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Author Topic: A strange note tacked to the board  (Read 135 times)


A strange note tacked to the board
« on: April 14, 2006, 05:26:30 pm »
During the night a strange note suddenly appeared on the board

// To those with the ability to see through invisibility, a strange man with a tail, clad in black and red armor attached the note while carefully concealing himself.

It reads in the common tongue, but uses an an odd slashing script, resembling something between elvish and something else.

"I seek a fellow plane wanderer, or another, in the know of the dark cant of the fiery 'ri. To this end, you must be willing to rattle your bone box willingly to spill the dark of the secrets I need to further understanding in the language. Jink and chores will be offered, but I will expect no less in teaching then will be required from me in payment. Be willing to teach for some time, or may the dusters find you. Leave something so that I may find you."

The bottom of the note contains a few small runes and strange markings.

// To those who read infernal: I know the written form of the chaosblighted, to a degree.

