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Author Topic: *Posted at every Inn in Mistone*  (Read 74 times)


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*Posted at every Inn in Mistone*
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:14:00 am »
Everyone please read, this news is urgent .... and dire.

I have grave disturbing news to tell you that only further proves that Blood is on the move. The time is now to find out what you can do to join the fight for Blood only wishes to rule you all by force, terror, and submission. This tale comes in two parts and I hope the others involved post something up along with this to further explain what was seen so all of you can get the best information possible.

This story begins with me, Vellyn Cormiere, a humble priest of Aeridin along with my traveling companions: Lushen Whitewood and his cousin Raven, Nevaeh Duvaine, and Garnet Stonesmythhy. I am avid about hunting the undead in hopes of Aeridin’s Light Bringers one day accepting me into their fold. I chose the Broken Forest as my latest venture and my companions quickly agreed. We were not at all prepared for what we found.

We entered the area, black and stuffy with that typical smell of the dead, and I was anxious to make contact with some of them and send them back into the cycle of life as is the will of Aeridin. We found a gathering of zombies and went to work dispatching them into the Great Cycle when out of no where a group of bull like creatures began to attack us. We fought hard and due to our teamwork overcame these creatures but barely had time to look up to see a figure we had never seen before staring at us with disgust. We had no time to place a description to memory because he began bringing forth metal like constructions to attack us. Once again we fought together and valiantly defeating his next wave. This time we began to walk towards him as he sent a third wave to defeat us anger apparent on his face. He was much wiser the third time and sent constructs and bull men all around us. He had Nev, a sorcerer, and I individually placed in the midst of melee combat preventing her from casting her spells and me from healing the wounded. Lushen tried to come to our aid while Raven and Garnet fought onward but it was too late and I fell to the attackers.

I cannot even claim to say that I know what all was in there or what was said from that point on as I was saved from the cycle of life and my soul began the journey back towards the Broken Forest to pray over my headstone. I had been bound in Hlint. When I arrived at the edge of the forest, all combat had ceased and Ozymandias was there with the survivors. Once all of us had prayed over our ‘stones’, we followed Oz to Fort Velensk where we could discuss what had transpired. In the end, it was determined that the man … or undead rather … was saw was none other than Drezneb, a general of Blood. We knew it was not Eon because Lushen and myself had seen Eon back in Hlint a week or so earlier during the Darkening that occurred over Hlint. Lushen will need to add to this to inform you more of what was said by Drezneb that day.

My second tale involves a similar expedition butt his time into the Direwoods to combat the Spectres that float in the area taunting the living and draining people of their very lives. Again, I chose this place in order to try and please the Light Bringers for I want nothing more than to join their order and remove the undead back into the Cycle of Life. My traveling companions were similar: Lushen, Raven and Nevaeh but this time a Paladin of Lucinda, The Lady Matilda Landsend, joined us instead of Garnet.

We were doing a splendid job in the name of Aeridin (and Lucinda as would be said by Matilda) when out of no where again forces of great evil were thrown at us. This time we were already in disarray trying to combat a Bone golem that seemed to have the ability to regenerate it’s health. We expended all of our energy and ability trying to dispatch this creature and were preparing a retreat when minions came towards us. We were already scattered and unable to regroup as I watched Matilda, Lushen, and Raven fall into silent death. I had been knocked down but was not dead when I looked at the individual throwing these constructs at us and saw that it was Eon, another general of Blood. A creature then ended my life, and I could see no more.

I had accepted my passage into the Cycle of life bus was a gain spared and brought to the place of my binding in Hlint. On my journey back to the Direwoods, I ran into Oz and told him a brief description of what had transpired. He hasted me so that I could run quicker to my companions whom I found out had been resurrected by Selian but the conversation discussed between those she brought back and herself I will leave for them to tell so that it can be told right. By the time I had arrived, Selian as already gone, so I prayed at the site of my death and followed them once again. We were trying to catch Matilda for she had learned something and ran off to do what she felt was right. Once again she had an encounter with someone while in the Battle Fens but that discussion will be left for her to tell.

We caught up with her after her encounter and all ran on to the Broken Forest where something was up. To our expected surprise we ran into Drezneb who throw minions at us again to keep us busy while he continued on with whatever path he had been on. I shot a bolt at him and learned quickly how ineffective I was against him. The only thing that saved me this time was that he considered me nothing ad simply continued on his path. I followed him to the sight of the grave in the middle of the Broken Forest where he said …

‘We know about your little secret sister. Even your heroes cannot save this one.’

Then he disappeared. We journeyed as quickly as we could to Hlint where Matilda rang the great bell and gather all who would listen telling the story similar to what I have just written to all of you.

Take this for what you will and pass it on for all to hear. Access from it what you can and work with all you see to find out about Blood and his army for the war with Blood is coming whether you accept it or not. I only hope you join the fight else we will all lose ….


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RE: *Posted at every Inn in Minstrone*
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2005, 11:14:00 am »
*small add on at the end*
Vellyn has told you all very well what has happened. The only thing I, Lushen whitewood can add is when I had fallen in the Broken Forest, Drezneb has walked to my side and said "Hero's". Then the darkness came over me. That is all.

                                                               Lushen Whitewood


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RE: *Posted at every Inn in Minstrone*
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
//Since I can't edit this darn thing (maybe a GM could ... please :) )

This is supposed to be posted in every in in MISTONE :p ... it appears I have soup on the brain ;)

