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Author Topic: The Resource Store  (Read 316 times)


The Resource Store
« on: August 09, 2005, 05:31:00 pm »
*a very large poster has been erected inside inns and taverns across Mistone*

At the suggestion of a woman named Amber, I have thought out a profitable and convenient solution to arduous task of collecting resources for your crafts.  I am interested in having a store opened that will buy and sell resources.  That is, beings like Klugger and I, Cole Norseman, who harvest resources for crafters, would have a single place to sell all of the different items gathered instead of having to find an assortment of different buyers and fill each individual order.  This store would then turn around and sell the resources that we sold it to the crafters at a, shall we say, 5-10% cost increase.  The upside to this is the convenience of being able to sell anything you gather at one convenient location, and crafters in turn can buy everything they need in one place rather than having to gather some stuff here, buy stuff there, etc.  The down side is that it creates a middle man, and will inflate the prices of resources to a degree.  However, I think the benefits outway the- what I believe will be a- minor price increase.

In order for this to happen, and as I am not actually interested in running such a store- I simply want the benefits of it- a meeting of crafters, gatherers, and businessmen alike must be set up to discuss who, what, when, etc.  Ideally, there wouldn't just be one store, but many, so that the availability of an assortment of resources in any given town is at least a 50% chance at any given time.  Really, anyone with a house and the storage space can act as a resource store on their own, buying and selling and opening and closing at their own fancy.  

So, any and all those interested in such a scheme, notify me, Cole Norseman, of a good time for you to meet with a conglomerate of others who share this interest.  The meeting place will probably be held in the basement of the Wild Surge in Hlint, unless I can convince the Hlint authorities to let us use the courthouse.  When a time has been determined, letters will be mailed and notification put up in the major taverns and inns around Mistone.  ////check the player calendar////

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*
Cole Norseman, freelance mercenary

Dorax Windsmith

RE: The Resource Store
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 07:39:00 pm »
Great idea, first thing would be to identify a fairly large group of investors (maybe 6-10) who would be willing to front the cash for the store (house) then each of those individuals could take a turn at minding the store (probably a harder sell), or hiring clerks could be an option.  The honor system would be extremely important so that everyone could benefit from this community service/buisness.  There would need to be enough coins in the house to pay for the CNR's as they came in.  The store wouldn't need to be open 24/7, but the more the better.  I would be willing to be involved, looking forward to the first meeting.


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RE: The Resource Store
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2005, 08:08:00 pm »
The only problem I see, is if this group gets too large they could easily corner the resources and avoid camping rules by working shifts.

I.E. Klugger mines capper or a half hour, leaves, Cole mines for a half hour, leaves, etc.

Any selling of resources like this is going to hurt players just starting out, as they will not be able to do these odd jobs, and will have a hard time gathering basic but very needed resources (cotton and silk come to mind). Just my 2 cents though.


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RE: The Resource Store
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2005, 08:22:00 pm »
//  That's when competition starts.  There will always be people to hire other people to do odd jobs, regardless of a syndicate in place to harvest and sell materials.  Especially given the large sums of items often required.
  While leveling up my scribing, I used to pay people for eggs and corn. Over a dozen people every day would bring me boxes and boxes of corn and eggs. I spent a small fortune. I made quite a few people able to buy houses.
  No one person/group/company, would ever have been able to provide me enough resources to do what I needed.
  As to the camping rule... I don't see this as being in breach of that. The players are individuals. That they are all working on a common goal is at least in part, not too important. It's no different than multiple people all harvesting at once. There's no real bonus to going in small groups than going as a larger group for the most part, resources despawn randomly and have set timers. 3 individuals farming for 30 minutes won't garner any more materials than a group of 3 harvesting at once. There are enough resources that even if multiple people are harvesting, there are more than enough spawns to go around. We made sure of that when dealing with most common materials.
  Even in my prime, with Fhalken and Rognar along and the three of us mining iron... there would usually be a vein or two off to the side that we didn't bother with, and that was back when there are probably half the veins there are now of any given material. And we were mining machines. I have found memories of us spending hours and hours and hours, doing nothing all day but harvesting and crafting, harvesting and crafting. Back and forth between the haven mines and Hlint. And later between the the other dungeon that no longer exists in V2 that held Adamantium and Hlint (that walk sucked).


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    RE: The Resource Store
    « Reply #4 on: August 09, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
    Klugger is VERY interested on this idea and would like to speak with Cole personally as soon as possible.  //PM soon



    RE: The Resource Store
    « Reply #5 on: August 10, 2005, 12:54:00 am »
    Being one of the crafters that almost buy all his materials, I would be very interested in supporting such a store. Both Cole and Klugger has dealt with me and they can vouch for my good patronage.
      I just think one should think carefully about the pricing, especially high level items such as platinum, mahogany, etc.
      But I think it is a great idea and know that Klugger has done it very succesfully over the last couple of weeks. I will keep a eye out for the meeting.


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      RE: The Resource Store
      « Reply #6 on: August 10, 2005, 02:36:00 am »
      ofcourse i would be intrested in this idea wnd willing to help out



      RE: The Resource Store
      « Reply #7 on: August 10, 2005, 02:52:00 am »
      Same here I feel there is a need for this a many starting PCs wonder around with stuff the get off the dead with out any idear of what to do with it.
      I true trading post would make life very intaresting in game for the 5th to 12th level pcs. Spugly Fuglet do lats of odd jobs nit just mineing.

      I would add one thing to the shop an food stall open 24/7 that sells sweets and icescream and Rat on a Stick, but thats just me.
      Some one did post about new cooking tips. Yum Yum Houny covered House muse.



      RE: The Resource Store
      « Reply #8 on: August 10, 2005, 04:21:00 am »
      //Messed up on last post should out out of play with ////
      //sorry all//

      Spugly looks as Poster and says to hem self out loud
      "Dats what Klugger doin with his shoppy"


      RE: The Resource Store
      « Reply #9 on: August 10, 2005, 05:18:00 am »
      //// Glad to see so much interest in this idea!  I am currently in the middle of a job switch and a relocation, so my play time is limited for about a week.  Therefore, I will likely aim for the meeting to take place sometime near the end of next week.  Also, if need be I can set up two meetings so that we can catch the different timezones.


      RE: The Resource Store
      « Reply #10 on: August 16, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
      /////To those still and newly interested, check the calendar.  A meeting time is up.


      RE: The Resource Store
      « Reply #11 on: August 17, 2005, 05:13:00 am »
      ////due to a slight miscalculation, the meeting has been bumped one day over to tuesday, check the calendar.////


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        RE: The Resource Store
        « Reply #12 on: August 17, 2005, 05:22:00 am »
        That would be nice...

        A few hours ago I had 3 boxes of skeleton knuckles, 2 of falcon feathers, 1 of raven feathers, and half a box of silk.
        Tossed them all, and I never pick up components, cotton, hides, or anything else - who would I sell them to?

        I needed the room/weight to try my hand at making arrows, as I don't know anyone that sells any.  Sure, I can send tells across the server or spam every person that walks past me, but that's just wrong. It's my understanding that merchants are to be run in-character, else we would have an in-board bulletin board or rentable npc merchants like on other servers.  A stable shop in one location that has a merchant there when I need them would be wonderful, as my equipment is woefully inadequate and gaining gold is no good without something to spend it on.   :(



        RE: The Resource Store
        « Reply #13 on: August 22, 2005, 01:25:00 am »
        Leafgreen - 8/17/2005  10:22 PM

        That would be nice...

        A few hours ago I had 3 boxes of skeleton knuckles, 2 of falcon feathers, 1 of raven feathers, and half a box of silk.
        Tossed them all, and I never pick up components, cotton, hides, or anything else - who would I sell them to?

        Sell them  to Me!    I have even set up a notice that I need some of these very same items!



        RE: The Resource Store
        « Reply #14 on: August 22, 2005, 01:35:00 am »
        I sell all sorts of arrows. What kind do you want?

        Send a PM.



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          RE: The Resource Store
          « Reply #15 on: August 29, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
          What kind of resources does this store buy? Are there certain ones? If not, then I always seem to have an excess of sandpaper around, and am interested in being rid of it when need be.

          -Seluna Syride


          RE: The Resource Store
          « Reply #16 on: August 30, 2005, 05:23:00 am »
          ////the store will hopefully be able to buy and sell nearly anything, even finished goods, but the main idea is to make resources available, obviously.  come to the meeting this wed, aug 31, 9pm pst


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            « Reply #17 on: August 30, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
            At the Inn I suppose? I shall try to arrange my schedule accordingly.


            RE: The Resource Store
            « Reply #18 on: August 30, 2005, 08:38:00 pm »
            it's on the calendar