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Author Topic: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!  (Read 175 times)


Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:19:34 pm »
Rumours are starting to emerge from both the Sun and Erilyn Kingdoms that share part dominion of the Wolfswood Forest of increased spider activity through the forest itself.

When asked directly about the increased activity of the rangers and druids within the forest in particular the Wolfswood Rangers they are strangely close lipped with the only comment being that 'several reports are being currently investigated' but nothing more than that.

The Rangers also seem to have no comment on the fact that rumours suggest one of their elite Captains was seriously wounded by a huge spider and several others killed.

This reporter has personally witnessed the attack of a spider the size of a small horse on a cow belonging to a farmer whose lands border a portion of the Wolfswood near Spear lake. The Rangers claim such spiders have always been part of the forest but from what I saw I'd say we have cause for concern.

Hirtus Frogmouth, reporter for the Mariners Journal.


Re: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 05:40:58 pm »
*Balthazar walks past the board and stops, the word spider catching his eye. reading the notice he mutters...*
 "Great not only do I have to worry about having my head caved in by Giants, snuck up on by Kenku or being set upon by Hill I have to watch out for creepie crawlies...wonderful."

Heinz Rondorf

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Re: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 11:34:51 am »
*A passing dwarf sees the note*

Me agree with mister Woll. Me guess it just means that there be more blood on me axe!! *smiles* Plus me not like spiders, they be biten hard. Mister Woll, if ye want to get dirty with these spiders all ye need to do is send me a bird. Ye know me will come.*leaves with a big smile on his face*

*signed* Grim


Re: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2008, 05:41:25 am »
While continuing to investigate the rumours about recent spider activity in the Wolfswood this reporter has come across locals on the northern edge of Lake Freis with an interesting tale.

Jurt Meymuth and his friends are fishermen who have lived and fished on this lake all their lives. Jurt has told me that recently his boat and several others were at the south eastern edge of the lake and saw a mass of spiders running across the water near the edge of the lake. When I told him that some spiders can do that his response startled me. He said 'not when they are the size of a full grown hunting mastiff'.

Is this another example of these mysterious spider reports that seem to be growing in number? What are the Wolfswood rangers hiding in the forests dark depths? Is this something people living in the Sun and Erilyn kingdoms need to be wary of? Or are they in on it?

More to come from this reporter as it comes to light.

Hirtus Frogmouth, reporter for the Mariners Journal.


Re: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 08:14:46 pm »
Whatever is going on in he Wolfswood is starting to get out of hand it seems. This reporter was at Sun Castle trying to get an interview with the rulers there when a huge cloud of smoke arose from the Wolfswood forest to the east near Spear Lake. The massive forest fire seems to have raged for almost a week before heavy rain put an end to it.

Upon inspection from the topmost tower of Sun Castle it would seem that a vast tract of the western forest was badly burned.

Whats going on? WHo can say at this time but this reporter will get to the bottom of it sooner or later!

Hirtus Frogmouth, reporter for the Mariners Journal.


Re: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 05:45:21 am »
Finally! Its confirmed! Spiders of incredible size and ferocity are infesting the Wolfswood! Whats worse is that this reporter has unearthed a truly terrifying account of dark elves infesting the forests as well.

Does this mean that the Rangers and Druids are in league with such creatures? Could it be that a great evil lies on our very doorsteps! What secrets are the Rangers keeping? That they have signed pacts with Darl Elves and even now seek to breed massive armies of spiders that will overun the Sun Kingdom and spread further throughout Alindor.

This reporter has evidence that these creatures exist, eyewitness accounts of those who fought the spiders and who slew some of the Dark Elves as well. They even brought proof that it was those who purport to protect the forest that started the fires that caused such terrible damage.

On top of this information comes word that forces in the Erilyn Kingdom have been mobilised to face some threat from the eastern edge of the Wolfswood. Levies have been called up from Fort Homestead the Fort of Kings and the many farms skirting the Rusty River to contain some threat. Is this linked to the current situation in the western forest? Only time and more investigation can tell. One things for certain, healers of every description are being drafted by the Erilyn forces as they mobilise.
This reporter does not like to catastrophise but in light of the evidence that has been brought to me from the very heart of the problem I have to report to the good people of Mariners Hold the truth no matter how terrible it may seem.

Hirtus Frogmouth, reporter for the Mariners Journal.


Re: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2008, 03:04:19 am »
Breaking News!

Finally after months of closed mouth activities going on in the Wolfswood someone has come forward to speak with I Hirtus Frogmouth about whats been going on. Your reading it here first in the Mariners Journal.

Captain Rodlin Serim of the Wolfswood Ranger Corp on behalf of Freckled Owl, the Wolfswood Rangers and even the Baroness of Green has spilled the beans about the goings on.

It seems there was a Dark Elf plot hatched by villainous servants of the underdark god of spiders. One such Dark Elf called Kalsethnor was trying to gain advancement in the eyes of his dark order by raising and breeding horrific spiders that were bred for one purpose. To destroy all life within the Wolfswood and make it theirs.

It seems over the last few months the Rangers have waged a war against these corruptions that culminated in a pitched battle around Faroth. While it seems many lives were indeed lost in the conflict before a cure was found for the spiders mutated poisoness bites, many lives were also saved from the finding of a cure by one of the Baroness's healers.

Captain Rodlin has assured this reporter that the matter has been brought under control and that those who orchestrated the events are now literally..underground. While we have the good Captains assurances you can be comforted by the fact that you heard it first, from this reporter.

Hirtus Frogmouth, reporter for the Mariners Journal.

