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Author Topic: The dwarves are gathering once more  (Read 239 times)


The dwarves are gathering once more
« on: April 20, 2008, 04:56:59 pm »
*a young female dwarf saunters into the Wild Surge looking for the innkeep.

Oi der. Been sometoime since oi ben ere, good ta see da drunks still keepin de place open. Har!

Oi be wantin to use yer place once more fer a party the loikes ye aint seen in many a year.

De dwarfs be returning and we be needin de beer and meats an a quiet place in de back. *she laughs at that knowing the dwarfs are anything but quiet when they gather.

*the innkeeper just looks at her with queer look and a sigh...'As long as you pay for the damages ahead of time and the ox dont come falling thru my roof I suppose we could clear a space for you.'

*grinning wickedly the dwarf lass just smiles....'We be doin our best on dat..a cow be alroight den? Har!'

*she tosses the innkeeper a bag of coins..'Hopefully dat be coverin us fer da toime being. If der be more ta pay afterwards we settle up den.'

//This is an event for all dwarves to attend. We havent had a gathering like this in along time. Be prepared for a riotous good time. Dwarf friends are welcome, but be prepared to to be offended and picked on if you do come. But ina good humor sort of way. :D

Lets try and get as many dwarfs as we can!


Re: The dwarves are gathering once more
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 04:47:47 pm »
*grenna stop in the inn to make sure theres enough beer in stock...

Oi opes yer ready fer dis. *laughs wickedly

Ye wun ave seen a gadderin loike dis in many a years.

*She then stumps into the back room to start brewing more beer