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Author Topic: Alms for the Poor  (Read 229 times)


Alms for the Poor
« on: June 27, 2007, 08:30:27 am »
*Copies of this simple poster are tacked up in ox stables and smithies as well as tavern walls around the farming villages of Mistone.*
 All those in the land who hunger or ail -- bring your families to the great city gates of Hempstead on the next market day and receive alms of bread, blessing and healing, freely given out there by the servants of the Lifegiver.
 Alms from Aeridin Event

The Servant

Re: Alms for the Poor
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 10:03:28 am »
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
 I shall be present at such an important event.  I shall pray to Aeridin that many of those in need are present at the event and that The Protector shall keep each one safe.  My prayers of that day will be to bless the masses, cure the sick, and of course heal the injured.  I anticipate greatly this event where our words will be few, but our actions will be many.
 Most Humbly,
 Shalar Aza'iel
 Servant of the Lifegiver


Re: Alms for the Poor
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 10:00:36 pm »
*first knocking politely on the door to her workroom, so as not to startle her, Galan leans in to speak to Mirrim*
 I'll be there to help when you hand out the bread and potions, and I hope that others among my brothers will, as well.  I won't be in armor, but I'll be armed.  It's sad to think that anyone -- or anything -- might try to interfere with such a kindness, but as a paladin it's my duty to make sure you and the others are well-protected, just in case.


Re: Alms for the Poor
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2007, 10:10:11 pm »
Tania ignores the first few notices she sees, then sighs when she spots another on her way around some failing farms. When she returns reluctantly to the city, she converses a few moments in halfling with one of Deliar's aspiring clergy members, until they go and read it for her. She shakes her head at that and they talk a moment, Tania often glancing around to make sure that no one gets too close.

She comments in halfling to the priestess-in-training, "So the rumors are true. There really are adventurers and religions who have hoards of food to give out at will, else how could they possibly hope to give to all? Why do so many have so much, and so many have so little? It doesn't matter that they give; where do they get so much in the first place, why can others not do the same?"

Tania shakes her head at a question from the clergywoman. "No, they will come, you know they will come. You will see. They will come, and be fed, but they will be angry that these healers have it at all. I do not blame them. Many work barren fields, and are proud, yet have to take  - what is this word? Alms, from the churches. Of bread! Not of mushrooms or fish, but of the same food they try so hard and fail to produce in numbers for themselves. No, they will not receive it with joy. Some might. But they will talk, you will see."

She shakes her head unsmiling at a joking comment from the other. "It has nothing to do with becoming used to your city - it is just common sense. I do not blame them at all, I have the same questions and will take no charity, either. At home there is no such thing as 'alms.' If the land suffers so, all suffer. The Couple would never withhold life so that it was only accessible through their worshippers."


Re: Alms for the Poor
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 04:28:09 pm »
Mirrim enters the Wild Surge in mid-afternoon with a sack of wheat gleaned from the ragged edges of the fields near Haven. She gives her usual polite nod and smile to a party of halfling farmers who have lingered at one of the tables, and is startled when what she gets in return are scowls, shaken heads and a distinctly scornful look at the sack she holds in her dirt-stained hands. With a gasp, she hurries on to the kitchen, chased by a few comments spoken so bitterly in the halfling tongue that their meaning is more than clear. Fortunately, the cooks have all left the heat of the kitchens in the mid-day lull, so no one sees her lift a hand to scrub at her eyes.
 "Alleina warned me," she says to herself, after a moment's pause to regain her composure. "I thought she exaggerated the risk, I thought that giving out a few humble loaves of bread could never reflect badly on Aeridin's faith, but I was wrong. It seems there is no way for healers and paladins to help the less fortunate without being accused of pride, greed and arrogance. The dark shadow that hangs over this land has poisoned it so much that whatever we do will be seen as wrong, just because it is we of the light who do it."
 It is fortunate that she has spoken aloud, because Mirrim can hear the lash of bitterness in her own words. This is how the darkness spreads, she realizes suddenly, this is how even good folk like those honest halfling farmers out there can believe the worst about me. The realization shakes her to the core. She sets her sack of wheat down on the kitchen floor, leaving it for the inn's cooks to make use of, then turns and walks away.

The Servant

Re: Alms for the Poor
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2007, 05:10:54 pm »
**walking throughout the crowds of people in the town of Port Hempstead and Vehl, many a curse and foul looks are given Shalar as his holy symol and white robes mark him as a follow of Preserver of Life.  The only look he returns is the humble nod of his head and a warm smile.  He produces a standard of Aeridin which waves boldly in the wind.  The he speaks...**
 "Come one, come all.  He who has ears, let him hear.  I do not bring anything more than I am given from the Perserver of Life, nor do I take any more than I need.  I come not in pride, but in humilty.  I know the days of the sunless skies are dark and grim.  I have faith that Aeridin will once again shine the light of the sun upon our faces.  The rain will wash away these dark and dreary days and we will once again know life as it once was.  Please my friends, do not feel we horde and rape the land of what many are not given through their toil and hardwork.  We only provide what we are given.  I do not speak to humiliate or pity you, for I know that is not what you seek.  But, I come for the sake of the innocent...**he smiles at a small child with a dirty face, starved and hungry, then to an aged widow frail and old with no one to provide for her needs, producing a small bit of food for each**...and it is demaded of my God to do so.  If you do not wish aid, nor do you need the aid, then please give as you are able to those who do.  That is all I seek to do."
 **with that he looks up to the heaven and prays a blessing for all who hears his words and walks humbly to the gate of Port Hempstead.  Quietly he prays to Aeridin...**
 "Let not the evils of this world make a mockery of Your giving.  I shall stand firm in Your faith and if only I stand before the masses, a sacrifice for You, I shall do so humbly and without fear.  Praise be Your name."