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Author Topic: Freldo's Corner: Half-orcs and Dwarves  (Read 71 times)


Freldo's Corner: Half-orcs and Dwarves
« on: February 13, 2006, 04:08:39 am »
Hello there again friends!

I'd like to start off tonight by thanking the kind words I received about my previous tales, it makes my life a lot more enjoyable.

Once again I come to tell you of things that are funny only because they are true.

One day, a long while ago, three friends of mine, a priest, a paladin and a half-orc were on a boat on a lake fishing.  It was a fine day but the fish weren't biting.

My friend priest got up suddenly and said, "Excuse me, I have to go relieve myself" and proceded to walk across the water to the woods, and then came back to the boat.

A little while later the paladin said, "I too, need to relieve myself" and proceeds to walk across the water to the woods and came back.

Still later, the half-orc companion said, "Well, it's my turn now." He gets out of the boat and sinks to the bottom of the lake.

The priest turned to the paladin and said, "Do you think we should have shown him where the rocks are?"


So there we were, an elf, a dwarf and I were sitting in an inn in Leilon when the barmaid brought us our their drinks, and each happens to have a fly in it, must have been that mage in the back summoning fly swarms to impress the ladies.

My elf friend pushed away his elfwine, "I will not drink this."

I fished the fly out of my ale, flicked it out of the way and then drunk that delicious stout.

My dwarven friend carefully, with much patience, took the fly out of his whiskey, gently put it on the rim of the mug, and bellowed "All right, spit it out!"

Half-orcs or dwarves, since I can't beat them, I throw jokes at them.

Thank you all and good night.