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Author Topic: Unusual discovery in the Natural Cave  (Read 40 times)

Dorax Windsmith

Unusual discovery in the Natural Cave
« on: October 12, 2006, 07:39:47 pm »
*Sniverous scribbles out a note on parchment and tacks it up in the Tavern bulletin board*

Recently while exploring in The Great Forest I sought temporary shelter in a cave I had visited previously.  I remember the cave for an unusual figure, a man or a beast, that was frozen solid in the ice.  To my surprise I discovered that this frozen figure was no longer there.....the ice had been broken up into several large pieces and the the figure was no where to be found.  It could simply be natural erosion or some such, however it did strike me as odd.  If anyone has any knowledge of this or has seen anything unusual in the area and wants to discuss the matter, please send a message by falcon or contact me via some other method to arrange a meeting.

Sniverous Coldpepper

