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Author Topic: A dwarf stumbles in...  (Read 160 times)


A dwarf stumbles in...
« on: January 17, 2006, 11:39:43 am »
the door at the Inn. He looks thin and tired, like he walked througheternity itself. He drags his weak body across the floor, much to theamusement of some elves in the room. He slowly stops once in while toregain his strenght, pausing and breathing as if his life was about toend. He finnaly reaches the innbar where he starts to pull his body uptowards the counter, with his armstrenght alone. He growls and cursesas if his entire body is one long terrible infestation of vile andpain. He manages to lift himself a foot, and his lips begin to mutter."Yes!?": The innkeeper says couriously after have seen the dwarf draghis body thru the entire inn. "I nee... I need...": The dwarf sputters."You need what?" The innkeeper ask impaiently. "I nee... I need..I needa..." the dwarf says as if suddenly his strenght returns and his voicesbecomes clear. "I NEED A BEER" the dwarf thunders into the innkeepersear. "ya halfwit, can ya see im parched from kissing the ground, ya nogood know it all ". The innkeeper, turns his good ear to the dwarf andsays: "Come again?" The dwarf sighs and mutters: "Nothings changed". Hethrows a couple of coins on the counter, and grabs a pair of beer, andstarts to go outside into Hlint. He takes his hand up before his eye toshield them from the sun. He open up a bottle of bear and chugs it withamazing speed. The other bottle goes down just as fast. He fixates hiseyes on the road and start to wander....