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Author Topic: A few more tales to incite laughter  (Read 82 times)


A few more tales to incite laughter
« on: February 10, 2006, 05:05:03 am »
Greetings fellow patrons of the Wild Surge!

I come again, unwelcomed by few, welcomed by fewer and ignored by most!

My name is Freldo the bard and if you'll allow me a few moments to tell a few tales of merriness I'll be off faster than those tomatoes can hit me.

So there I was, experimenting in ventrioloquism in Leilon and, as usual, I took to making jokes about how dumb half-orcs are.

At the back of the room a very large, very mean-looking half-orc stood up and growled, "I'm sick of everyone making fun of half-orcs and saying we're stupid."

I tried to apologize for offending the half-orc, as I'm no fool, despite acting like one from time to time.

The half-orc without a pause said, "Sir, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the little smart-ass sitting in your lap."


I believe I can squeeze in another story before the half-orcs in the back understand what I just said...

I once had an audience once with the High Priest of an orcish temple and, not quite knowing what to say I tried to break the ice with a joke.

I started, "have you heard the one about the two half-orc clerics?"

The High Priest replied in a serene but slighty irritated voice, "I am a half-orc."

I paused for a moment and said, "That's OK, I'll tell it to you slowly."



Ouch!  No fair, whole heads of cabbage hurt!

