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Author Topic: A gathering of the kin  (Read 174 times)


A gathering of the kin
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:33:10 pm »
*A small band of dwarfs makes their way to the back corner of the inn...

"Aye...I be tellin ye, dis be de place dey nearly burnt dun all dem years ago..see..looky ere, ye can still see a dent war dat mad dwarf bjornigar dun hit is ead! I swears ye can still smell is backsoide abit!" An old hoary looking dwarf comments to his fellows.

"Ye is daft man! Der aint no dent...just a bit o warped wood. An de smell...well...OI cannae argu much de point on dat...Oi aint neer met de dwarf, but der be plenty of talk wat can substantiate dat! Why..oi once heard he had a bit of a foireball come out is backside wat made de east gate at prantz. A gift fer dat *much dwarfish cursing* duergar."  The younger dwarf guffaws.

The old dwarf just nods his head in assent, "Aye...a curse to a de kin dat Rael is." A small smile then creeps across his face, "Ye know, Spekin of Bjornigar...I bet hes still got dat bounty on 'is head. Ha! He dun caused much headache for dat dark one! Ha! Lets raise a point to dat one! May de 'lord' o prantz eer be downwind o de backsoide of bjornigar, and is frinds upwind!" He then downs the beer in one gulp and slams the mug on the table.

All the other dwarfs cheer and raise their mugs to Bjornigar!

///The gathering is coming! If you dont know where the gate is, Grenna will be on hand at mariners hold to guide you.

