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Author Topic: Gossiping  (Read 71 times)


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« on: September 01, 2006, 08:03:27 am »
*a conversation between commoners at a tavern*

 'Oy lads, ye ever hear anythin' more bout' tha' odd paladin elf, ye know, tha' one people think he be a Drow or sumthin'? Oi tell ye, oi ain' sure o' wha' ta' believe in, cos' oi saw tha' lad once or twoice an' i coul' nay tell... tha' bugger always keeps tha' helm o' his!'
 *pauses and drinks*

  'Well nayways, been a whoile since oi last saw 'im and oi koinda miss tha' presence o' a paladin around, even ifn' he seems ta be all stuffy an' uptigh' loike... Ye know, at least they keep them thieves away from me bag o' gold if ye know wha' oi mean, har!'

 'It's all the same fer me, it has never been so cold in years so even if a paladin or even two are round' here, i don't think that'll change much, unless they call on the holy powers of his god or whatever mumbo jumbo they pull out and return the sunlight ta us. *snorts and takes a sip of his ale*'

 'Heh, you shouldn't mock about them like that, i once saw that paladin you speak of take on a gang of brigands all by himself...'

 'Aye lad, what were they plannin' ta do? Steal purses from old ladies, loike? Roight so much of a deed, it's noice an' all bu' we are havin' a 'ard time gatherin' food, and them paladins just roide them fancy whoite horses all roighteous, when they shoul' be helpin' us in them fields with them crops, loike...' *drinks and burps*

 'Yeah? What if that bunch of no-gooders would have decided on stealing us instead huh? Then you'd finally be givin' some credit to the paladins!'

 'Har! Aye lad oi do give sum credit ta' em, oi heard there were them paladins tha' also went in tha' group tha' blew Blood's arse outta this world, har! Bah... oi tell ye, sum o' these days them broigand, thieves an' all tha' bunch will jus' drop their daggers an' clubs loike, pick up them pitchforks an' plowshares ta work on them fields, it's bloody cold oi tell ye, an' tha' people 'ave ta eat... It's bloody difficult ta get good crops nowadays... har, someday even them paladins start followin' teh god o' farmin' instead of Toran loike. Har!'

 *the tavern door opens and from the heavy rain enters a figure clad in armor that has some dents, and is a bit blackened, still having some dry blood on it. Clearly of elven stature and a male, he looks to the crowd in the tavern, heads towards the innkeeper and asks for some rations. Turning back and heading towards the door, the sound and flash of a thunder striking almost shakes the tavern, and the figure is gone.*

 'Aye? Well tha' scared me out of me pants... oi need anodder drink...'

 'You saw that? It was him!'

 'It was who? Wha', ye talkin' bout tha' weird paladin?'

 'Aye, it was him alright, but i dunno why his armor was looking so bad and darkened, heh last time i saw him it was all shiney...'

 'Har, weird stuff happenin' these days oi tell ye. Aye, toime fer me ta go home nayways, see ya tomorrow lads.'

  *he heads out of the tavern, turns around through a poor lit alley, the usual route to his house, where he is met by a gang*

 'Oh aye, just wha' oi needed ta call this a night, loike...'

 'Oh aye this oh aye that, fork over the gold, you know how this goes. And do it fast, before oi cut ye beard, loike!' *says the halfling thief, mockingly*

 'Har lad, ye gots ta drink a lot more ale if'n ye want ta sound loike a dwarf...' *chuckles the dwarf while taking out his coin purse*

 'Aye lad, and you gotta grow yourself a brain soon so you can realize that working in the fields ain't payin' off good enough, aye?'

 'At least it's payin' off at the end o' the day, ye gather at teh tavern with yer friends, not 'avin ta fear them officers, not being afraid of goin' ta jail loike.' *he hands over the coin purse* 'There ye go lad, oi hope ye someday choke in tha' gold ye got...'

 '*the halfling laughs* The law isn't what it used to, you're so blind to believe that the officers are going to do anything about us, they're busy trying to get themselves ale and food, and they get tired of even running after us, such is their... how should i say, endurance? *he laughs* Hah! If their might would be as big as their bellies, they'd have taken down Blood themselves! *snorts*

 *another lightning flashes, a scream is heard*

 'Eh? Jacek? Aw c'mon get up already, we got us some gold to spend at the tavern... Eh? *the halfling turns to his fallen friend to find an arrow piercing his heart.* Jacek? *gasps* You're bleeding! Oh wait... well you're dead, more gold to me and Richmond anyway... Right Richmond? Huh?

 *a thunder strikes, when the halfling turns to his half-ogre friend, there is a green greatsword impaling him to the wall, on the other end of the greatsword is a male elf, that grabs the halfling by his neck and lifts him above his feet, his red eye lighted up in anger*

 'What, is killing us over some dwarf's coinpurse worth it? I'd figure we'd have to kill someone to deserve this end... *he gasps for air*'
 *with a calm voice, despite the anger inside* 'A coinpurse isn't, but after seeing the fun you've almost had with a girl back in the other alley hadn't i hit your large friend with an arrow, i would have thought you had learned the lesson. It seems not, and you'll never will, it's a shame, with so much field to plow and crops to raise you had to follow this route... lad.'

 '*gasping* The fields are for peasants...' *a crack is heard and the halfling falls lifeless to the ground* 'Then death is for thieves.'

 *he picks up the dwarf's coinpurse, along with other stolen goods and hands them to the dwarf*

 'You know better the people that are missing this than i do, please do me a favor and return them what is theirs.' *he whistles and shortly dissapears*

 *the dwarf simply nods* 'A-aye lad, oi will, aye an' thanks... Oi guess oi'll sleep at teh inn tonight, aye.'

