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Author Topic: A lady in need of diamonds  (Read 116 times)


A lady in need of diamonds
« on: April 01, 2009, 02:04:56 pm »
[SIZE=24][SIZE=18]I am in need of a couple of diamonds for a belt I am hoping to have made for myself. So once again looking for a few adventures to make the trip in the the Rift in search of these gems. Depending on how many show up we may head deeper in. So bring picks if you are a miner! Any true or goods found will be shared in the group. [/SIZE]

Everyone is welcome to come along.
I just ask that you be respectful to others around you.

Meeting in Dalanther.

[SIZE=32]A[/SIZE]manda Doesscha

[SIZE=18]// Starting time may vary. Depending on the ending of quests scheduled for today and to give those that are on them a break before heading out. [/SIZE]


Re: A lady in need of diamonds
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 11:59:17 pm »
//Thanks so much to everyone that showed up!! It was fun to rp with characters I have not had the pleasure of meeting before.

The trip was great and Amanda went home happy with her diamonds. :p