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Author Topic: The Dragon's Whisper -HIRING- Writers & Artists  (Read 114 times)

Pen N Popper

The Dragon's Whisper -HIRING- Writers & Artists
« on: July 27, 2006, 02:43:13 pm »

[/SIZE] [SIZE=16][/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Due to the generous support of Talan Va'lash and Lin'da Sul'Kolindo, The Dragon's Whisper is seeking to contract with writers and artists to provide regular features in the newsletter. Some topics we'd like to see appear regularly:

  • [SIZE=16]Horoscopes and astrological readings[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=16]Details from the social scene of both common and noble alike(births, deaths, marriages, wild rumors)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=16]Contest results (drinking, brawling, spitting)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=16]Brief biographies of the adventurers that pass through Hlint, be they green or veteran[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=16]Sketches of landmarks, people, or from the imagination[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]This is but a sampling of topics. Fees will be paid on a per article basis. First submissions will always be compensated for 500gp. Reliability will be rewarded with increased compensation.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=16][/SIZE][SIZE=16] [/SIZE][/LIST][/LIST]

    Pen N Popper

    Re: The Dragon's Whisper -HIRING- Writers & Artists
    « Reply #1 on: May 19, 2007, 08:06:52 am »
    The morning dawn's weak light had to be compensated for with a pair of candles, but Bumblebee was too deep in the pile of papers to even notice the inconsistent flickering of light.  He was cleaning out the drawer of the human-sized desk that dominated his office.  Suddenly with a light laugh, he clambered out of the drawer to the desktop and angled a bit of parchment to better catch the light.

    "Why, this was years ago," he says with a puff of breath to clear the bookwork dust from it.  "though it still holds true.  With weddings, contests, raffles, and even the reopening of old taverns and stores perhaps folk are ready."

    Thinking back wistfully to the high hopes he once held for growing The Dragon's Whisper, he sets to making a copy of it for hanging around the lands.

    There has been a recent flurry of events happening ingame that would make for interesting reading now and in the future.  I've tried to ask people individually through tells and PMs but I'm sure I missed some.  Consider writing up just a couple sentences about your event.  Include details like:  Full PC names, the date and location, interesting results or mishaps, etc.


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      Re: The Dragon's Whisper -HIRING- Writers & Artists
      « Reply #2 on: May 20, 2007, 06:01:49 pm »
      While taking a relaxing nap at the campfire at the Crossing, Gvhe hears a rustling that turns her attention toward the pile of stacked firewood nearby.  Attached only by a small twig and tattered hole in it's center, hangs a piece of wind blown parchment.  Gvhe works it loose gently and pears at the page.  She turns it slowly and squints her eyes, trying to spy something familiar.  Glassy eyed, she begins to sniff at the parchment.  Suddenly, her eyes widen and a bright smile comes to her face, "Brruhbrreee!"  After Rolling the parchment gently and placing it into the large leather pouch at her side, she sets off to find her small friend.

      Pen N Popper

      Re: The Dragon's Whisper -HIRING- Writers & Artists
      « Reply #3 on: August 23, 2007, 09:23:44 am »


      Re: The Dragon's Whisper -HIRING- Writers & Artists
      « Reply #4 on: September 04, 2007, 01:20:16 am »
      *A halfling, passing through the surge, takes great interest in the posting.  Considering for a moment, he uncaps a small vial of ink that he draws from a sturdy box, as well as a piece of parchment, a quill, and some drying powder.  Ordering a wine from the cellar from a vintage bottled during the early years of the second Blood War, he sits at a table, to write.*

      *From the expression on his face, the acrid taste of the wine is not to his liking.  He sighs, mutters something about poor storage and another good bottle gone to vinegar, and finishes off the note that he's writing.  He tosses the drying powder on the wet ink, and blows off that which doesn't adhere to the fluid, causing a brief maelstrom of dust.  As he examines the completed document for errors, he orders the venison, and mentions that with asparagus being in season, it would make a suitable side-dish - and perhaps mushrooms in the sauce?  All it earns him is a bit of a strange look from the waitress, who evidently has no interest in that kind of suggestions for the cooking.*

      *A small note goes into his own notebook, and he examines the bottle in which his wine was so recently in critically, adding a post-script to his note as an after thought, and repeating the drying process.  Then, with great care, he affixes the completed note to the bottom of the job posting.*

      *The note, penned in a careful hand (with beautiful Q's) reads as follows.*

      To Whom it May Concern ~

      I am a writer by trade, a halfling of good enough means and a decided purpose.  My particular field of specialty is food, and I am in the midst of compiling a guide to the various inns, taverns, and other establishments that serve food or drink to the various peoples of this land.  This being said, this work takes me quite all around, and I seem to have a rather unassuming demeanor, which some feel comfortable speaking to about various matters.

      While my practical skill is at current somewhat wanting in the kitchen, my palate is well-refined (if I say so myself!), and at your disposal, should you wish to publish any of my reviews in your paper.  Even if not, eating far from occupies all of my time, and some mild investigation is as good a way of passing it as any.  I know not specifically where I can be contacted at any given time, but leaving a note for me at most inns across Mistone will doubtless reach me sooner rather than later.

      Yours hopefully in Service
       - Jodo Ezescium Pomple-Moose

      Post Script ~ Please include, with your response, instructions as to how to contact you should you decide to accept me as an employee.  While I could leave my columns here for your pick-up, I harbor great doubts as to their continued privacy thereafter, and that would quite defeat the purpose of a sold paper.

