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Author Topic: A Letter to Queen Allurial  (Read 129 times)


A Letter to Queen Allurial
« on: July 13, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »
[SIZE=18]*Written on a mahogany scroll sealed with red wax bearing the crest of Marcus Perrin.  Written with flowing cursive. Delivered by messenger and addressed to Queen Allurial*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Your Royal Highness,[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]It has come to the attention of this law-abiding landowner of Leilon that an attack on your elite guard of Haven Castle has occurred.  These guards were protecting your servent and therefore, this is an attack on Her Highness.  An attack on Her Highness is a most grievous offense against all Mistone.  What I find most disheartening is that the attackers still roam our continent freely making a mockery of our laws.  Allowing this offense to go unpunished undermines her Majesty's authority.  This above all must not occur else mobs take to the streets.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Word of these miscreants'deeds has reached the ears of the working class of Leilon.  They fear for their own safety, mothers scurry their children from their play places, old women barricade themselves inside their homes lest these provokers come upon them with their blades thirsting for more innocent blood.  I have no doubt that this is not a single isolated event from these delinquents, I am certain that an investigation into these treacherous men's lives would reveal their true dark natures.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Your Majesty, they have broken the Laws of Mistone by verbally assaulting the guards and then launching into a physical attack upon them.  An example must be made of them!  They have made a mockery of our laws and must be punished to the full extent of the law.  They act as if they are above our laws.  The Law must be upheld!  They should be beaten in an open display and then jailed until their bodies are frail, and finally banished forever from Mistone.  Assaulting your guards is the same as assaulting Her Highness.  Show to all that crimes against Mistone will not be tolerated![/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]I humbly petition thee to call to assemble thy Divine Court and prosecute these men for the crimes of assault and resisting arrest to the full extent of the law of Layonara.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Respectfully Your Humble Law-abiding Citizen,[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=24]Marcus Perrin[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=18]119 Leilon[/SIZE]


RE: A Letter to Queen Allurial
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2005, 09:13:00 pm »
*Ramanon reads the note from Marcus and mutters to himself*
"Hmm, strange that you would care about such things my old friend.  I think its time we have another chat.  No doubt there is more than meets the eye.

