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Author Topic: Jerrick the Wanderer  (Read 113 times)

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Jerrick the Wanderer
« on: June 11, 2005, 03:29:00 am »
Obeervation of a strange little hobbit.
wade, small even by hobbit standards, runs from a cave hearing a large creature bekind him and other unknown voices outside the cave. Better stangers than what ever it was behind him. Running from the cave yelling "Thiers somethin big behind me." runs head long into nets ment to catch the griffon on his tail.
I thouht that was the end of this hobbit, but he escaped from the nets in a flash. Theparty trying to catch the griffon scramble to get thie nets on the beast, while Wade hide in some trees. Then the crazy hobbit seeing everyone was deatracted, went back in the cave. He later came back out with saddle bags over his shouler bouncing of his knee. I don,t thank this hobbit will last long enough to make a good song.

                                                     Notes from Jerrick Bard To the Masses