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Author Topic: Important Clarifications and a Call for Unity  (Read 157 times)


Important Clarifications and a Call for Unity
« on: July 13, 2005, 09:27:00 pm »
*inscribed on modest parchment in flowingly graceful, yet austere calligraphy*

Recently, I had an opportunity to inform a large group of my colleagues about the most recent meeting of the Congregation of the Faithful and the upcoming Pilgrimage.  After reflecting upon the words I spoke that night, I concluded that I should re-emphasize and clarify important aspects of that message.

I do so here.

First, the fundamental theme of this movement is Unity.  Our world faces an alarming potential for cataclysmic changes that would rend the very fabric of all that we know.  Everything each one of you cherishes is at stake.

And so in the face of this threat, my elders and comrades in faith have resolved to abandon for now any debate or contention we have with other creeds- even those diametrically opposed to our teachings and beliefs.

There is sound reason for this.

A number of powerful entities in or connected with our realm currently seek ascension to divinity.  Each of them does this as a personal play for greater power, in complete disregard of any of their actions’ effects on the whole.

So if you worship a god; then everything about your faith is in jeopardy, even the very god you worship and everything to which His, Her, or Its power extends.

Yet if you do not worship a god, then why does this matter?  Indeed it does, for everything about your life is in jeopardy.  Yes, I have heard many of you express indifference toward matters of faith.  Here, I will not address that point of view, but I will state this: if you do not worship a god, you are nevertheless dedicated to some thing, or some principle, whether or not you realize it.  And these things you cherish will not escape from fundamental change or even outright destruction.

Thus the following is true for both the faithful of every sect and the non-religious alike: everything that we currently have is on the chopping block.  Those seeking ascension care nothing for any of us.  Their individual schemes have already greatly disrupted our realm; and should even one of them succeed, everything will slide into a pit of chaos and conflict the likes of which none of us could presently fathom.

The time has come to unite.  Either we do this freely, out of sound assessment of the interests of the whole, or we have it forced upon us later.  And then, perhaps it would be too late.

The Unity movement is open to all. To people of all faiths and to those who do not practice any faith.

Our plan is to continue to meet regularly at Hlint Courthouse to discuss everything we face.  All are invited to attend these meetings, as we value each and every person’s perspective.  

And as our movement continues to grow, these meetings could provide a clearinghouse for new information, ideas, and plans.

Shortly, on this coming Satari, the twenty third day of Jular, a pilgrimage will depart from Fort Llast.  The pilgrims and their guardians will travel throughout the lands, journeying to shrines and temples of those faiths who have elected to participate.  The ultimate destination will be Pranzis.  

If you are a person of faith who would like the pilgrimage to include a visit to one of your temples or holy sites to honor your god or goddess, please directly contact those who are organizing this holy journey.

As the pilgrims, themselves, will be unarmed and fasting throughout the trek, we need able guardians of +any+ class to accompany us, again, irregardless of whether any participant practices any religion.  The guardians will be charged with the tactical duty of protecting the pilgrims at all times, and ensuring safe passage through at least two continents, perhaps three.

In closing, I thank each of you who have taken the time to read this message and consider the remarks I have made herein.  Please approach me with any questions you have, or attach a note to these parchments.  Also you may leave messages for me at the Temple of Rofirein in Fort Velensk.

Ael Rynthien, Monk of Rofirein


A discussion string for the Pilgrimage of the Faithful, including present itinerary and links to pm the leaders:

Here is my profile, in case you want to pm me.  For in-character messages, unless you state otherwise, I play it as if the message were delivered to the temple in Fort Velensk, as indicated above.

The pilgrimage is a player-led event:

Hope to see you all at upcoming meetings, and the pilgrimage! :-)

