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Author Topic: a sad message  (Read 137 times)


a sad message
« on: December 22, 2005, 09:05:00 am »
*Barion stumbles into the wild surge inn all dressed in black and looking like hes not realy awake*

  *he stumbles to the noticeboard and puts up a note*

  It is with great sorrow that i have to inform all that my wife to be ..Shelu U'alarune has had her final meeting
  with the Soulmother.
  Needless to say the wedding that was planned for tomorow will not be held.
   I wont be in town the next days ...please leave me be.

 *The message is signed*  Barion Firesteed
  *he walks off like an old man about to fall ,but he straigtens his back and doesnt react to any-one that might speak
   to him*

Grid Blader

RE: a sad message
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2005, 10:58:00 pm »
*Quantum comes walking in to the Inn and happens to read the letter*

Oh, no...  
I dont know what Barion my friend will do to himself,
He loved her so much..

*Thinks to himself for a minute*

I must try to catch him and talk to him..

*quantum dashs out the doors*


RE: a sad message
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2005, 11:34:00 pm »
*Lokri sees the note and curses* Lad ye be'er nay de sumting stupid *he grumbles* der be revenge 'n den drinken te de 'n dem bastards corpses *walks out looking for Barion*


RE: a sad message
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
*spugly reads the note walks over to the barman and nads over all his gold*
"Keep getings me barels of drink untill me fulls over"
*he up ends the 1st of meny drinks that night*

