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Author Topic: To all followers of Lucinda and to those seeking a faith  (Read 128 times)


To all followers of Lucinda and to those seeking a faith
« on: June 15, 2005, 02:06:00 pm »
I Celgar Magnus Priset of Lucidna,
Wish to invite you new cleric, mages, paladins, and any one else following Lucinda's light to come to Blackford Castle. There I will be discussing her veiws and share any information I can about out Mother of magic. Once finished I'm more than galdy willing to share spell tatics and veiws on a personal level.

Lucinda Bless us with her Light and may the weave embraces us in times of need.

//On an OOc level I'm trying something new (maybe old not sure) I got premisson from L and there will be a Gm popping in and out at random times. I'm doing this to help the newer players. All the rest of the info you need is on the player calender, hope to see you all :). If all goes well I may hold more lessons, discussions, maybe a guest speaker if this goes well

