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Author Topic: A single tear and a temporary loss  (Read 99 times)


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    A single tear and a temporary loss
    « on: December 04, 2005, 04:55:00 pm »
    *Kasha walks somberly into the Inn placing this note along with the many others*   On this fair eve while traveling in the underdark, a terrible injustice has occured. Thordan Ironheart was struck down without a moments notice. His life was very much in its prime and his wonderful deeds far from over. He did not fall alone. In fact, he died trying to save my life.   He was surrounded by some of his closest friends and those friends have vowed to do what it takes to return the life back to Thordan once again. Quintayne suggested without hesitation that we travel to the Plane of the Lost and face to soul mother to get back what was unjustly taken.   Those of you that know Thordan I ask you to pray for his soul to keep it strong. We can only hope that Vorax will smite thr creatures that have temporarily taken Thordan from all of us. We to pray that Vorax will stay with him during this difficult time, giving him the strength to hold on.   Those of you able, we hope to be planning a rescue mission to bring him back to us. Please reply if you are willing to help.   *A single tear rolls down Kasha's cheek as she reads the note before her*   "Hold on my friend, we are coming to get you"    //unfortunately at this time we have to wait for the Plane of the Lost to be put into the game but as soon as it is then we will definetly be planning a rescue mission to return Thordan to us. If you are interested in helping out we thank you and more information will come when the time has arrived. Please note this is very dangerous for your character, if your character dies while in the plane then the death is a permanent one. Those of us that have agreed to go are doing so out of respect for the guy behind the character because he has traveled and grown with our characters for the past 20 months.
      **edited by Leanthar at the request of Nita**

    Harlas Ravelkione

    RE: A single tear and a temporary loss
    « Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 12:50:00 am »
    * Kobal stops to read the posts at the inn as he is wont to do. As he spots Kasha's post he moves closer for a better look, but the news make him take a step backward again. *

    Thordan. No no, this cannae be roight! He dinnae bend teh no one in life, an' surely in death neither, or... *sighs* I hope teh see ye aroun' frien', teh proof tha' this was all jus' a dumb rumour. In any case I'll pray fer ye, teh both Rofirein an' Vorax.

    * He walks out of the inn and turns left towards the road to Fort Llast, a look of disbelief on his face. *


    RE: A single tear and a temporary loss
    « Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 01:59:00 am »
    *Tarradon upon hearing the news retreats to the nearest Temple of the Great Dragon to pray for the soul of a lost friend*


    RE: A single tear and a temporary loss
    « Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 06:02:00 am »
    *Luna wanders by the boards and stops to read. Seeing this she gasps*

    Not Master Thordan!

    The Soul Mother is taking far too many souls lately....

    *she walks away sadly, tears in her eyes*

    Grid Blader

    RE: A single tear and a temporary loss
    « Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 10:43:00 pm »
    *Quantum walks up to the board and reads the note*  

    Humm, no time like now.  *Takes out ink and a quil*

    I will go with you to the Soul Mother, and ask for a friend back.

    Quantum Windword
    Cleric Of Toran