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Author Topic: Finding a familiar...  (Read 52 times)


Finding a familiar...
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:44:20 pm »
*A neatly written poster is tacked on a board in the Wild Surge Inn*



Curious about magic or familiars? Maybe both?

Maybe you like the scenery of the Dragon Isles?

Maybe you just want to pester Steel about something?

While the later is not advisable, come on down anyways.

I will be finding and binding a familiar finally, and a little company never hurt. Just be sure to bring some heavy outdoors wear for the cold weather.

*there is information on time and location written neatly on the bottom of the poster*

[SIZE=13]// bugged Milty for some RP, and decided to turn it into something fun. hope you all enjoy. :D[/SIZE]