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Author Topic: Envelope Addressed to "Shae Fellis"  (Read 124 times)


Envelope Addressed to "Shae Fellis"
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:29:13 am »
*The envelope tacked up near the entrance is addressed in a strong, elegant hand.  The note inside is from the same pen, on a small sheet of clean paper.*


I have in my possession several of the small bones of which we spoke on our last meeting.  If you would like these for use in your potions, please seek me out here at the Inn or the surrounding environs.  You may also leave a note with the innkeeper at your convenience.

I remain sincerely yours,

Galan Iraes
Paladin of Toran

//OOC  If you are reading this and you are not Ms. Fellis, shame on you for peeking at someone else's mail!  ;)

