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Author Topic: For the People of Roldem  (Read 193 times)


For the People of Roldem
« on: May 06, 2006, 10:44:23 am »
[big][yellow]For the People of Roldem[/yellow][/big]  For the Survivors of the Occupation of the Kingdom of Roldem, little has been done.  The time for looking away has passed.  Now, All People of Good Conscience are asked to help the Survivors recover their Pride, Confidence, and Hope.  The Survivors have Basic Needs, which Citizens of Mistone and Dregar take for granted.  Clothing, Food, and Medical Supplies are Sorely Needed.  If the People of Roldem can be Well Fed and Clothed, and kept in Good Health, they can begin to Rebuild their Homes and their Cities.  With the Aid of their Neighbors, the Survivors will once again have Hope for the Future.  With their Basic Needs covered, they will have the Confidence to begin Rebuilding their Homes and Cities, and return to Tending their Fields.  With a Firm Grasp on their Own Destinies, the People of Roldem will stand Proud and Independent.  Though a few simple items will help return Hope to the Survivors, there is a Segment of that Population who need more aid.  These are the Orphans, those Children who lost their Families and are too young to Recover on their own.  To assist these young Survivors, an Orphanage will be constructed to House and School them.    [yellow]The following Items are Requested as Donations:[/yellow] - Clothing of any Type or Style, including Cloaks, Robes, Belts, and Boots - Foods, including Breads, Juices, and Milk - Medical Supplies, including Bandages - Construction Materials, including Wooden Planks and Various Tools - Weapons and Armor, especially those Types that can be Easily Handled by newly recruited Militia - Raw Materials that could be used to produce Any of the Items listed above, though Finished Goods are prefered - Coins, for the Construction of the Orphanage  [yellow]The following Persons are Collectors for Donations:[/yellow] - Jennara Creekskipper - Yardislan Echron - Klaugraquene Dragonbane - Acacea Thistletongue - Cole Norseman - Pig


Re: For the People of Roldem
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 11:41:13 am »
Gulnyr, this is great man! Glad to see it and I fully support this type of thing. Good job.


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    RE: For the People of Roldem
    « Reply #2 on: May 06, 2006, 12:59:08 pm »
    *Looks the list over carefully.Taking stock on what is needed, she makes notes in her journal with the list of contacts.*


    RE: For the People of Roldem
    « Reply #3 on: May 06, 2006, 06:28:33 pm »
     Official Mistone Alliance Notice   After reviewing the particapants involved through the Ministry of Intelligence, the Office of the Triumvirate has designated this activity has an Mistone Alliance sponsored event. Jennara Creekskipper is now the assigned temporary Coordinating Materials Officer for this task.  All citizens of Mistone are urged to help in achieving their goals     Sincerely,   Triumvir Lorn   Triumvir Genma   Triumvir Maru  Tashin Goldenlead, Minister of Commonwealth


    For the People of Roldem
    « Reply #4 on: May 06, 2006, 09:07:36 pm »
    A parched and dusty Ifion Witseeker entered the Wild Surge, having just returned from a fruitful trip to Vale. He took a seat in his usual corner, and pulled a bottle from his pack. He prefered a well made juice to the swill the Surge made, and sold, by the barrel.

    A notice on the wall caught his eye, particularly because the title included a word that had been on his mind almost constantly of late -- Roldem. "For the People of Roldem," the notice began. And Roldem was where Ifion had himself begun, having been born and raised there. He lifted himself stiffly from his chair and went to read the notice. He finished it in an instant, reading being his one strong skill.

    In a fluid motion, he ripped the notice from the wall, took five steps to the middle of the room, and leapt upon an unoccupied table. His traveling cloak fell to the floor as he raised his hands, paper clenched in his right hand, high above his head.

    "Friends. Patrons. Citizens. Good people of Mistone!" he shouted. Slowly, one man, one woman, then another, and another, all eyes turned to him. Later, they could not say why they paused and listened. Was it his natural oratory ability, his fiery passion, a touch of bardic magic. or a potent mix of them all? Whatever the reason, drunk and sober alike lended rapt attention.

    "Have you seen this notice? Have you felt its appeal in your hearts? The people of Roldem, my people, stand in need. Their request is simple, their needs no more than yours or mine. And so now you face a simple choice. Will you give of your excess? Or will you selfishly horde your abundance, a slave to gluttony, with avarice your master?

    You will not be judged by the Queen of Mistone, the gods above, or the House of Zhan. And certainly not by me, a simple bard. Hungry orphans will never know your decision.  But you will. You will look back on this day as the moment you gave to those who had nothing, expecting nothing in return. Or this moment will haunt you as the hour when your soul took on a darker shade of black.

    I stand before you a humble bard. One who has little, but wants for nothing. But from my meager earnings, I pledge this -- Ten suits of leather armor, twenty items of clothing, thirty potions of healing,  my extensive collection of books and scrolls, and lastly this -- ten thousand pieces of gold. It is all that I have seen in many years of adventuring. I could keep that wealth, but each time one coin struck another, the sound I heard  would not be of coins, but of links in a chain. The chains of greed that bound my soul."

    With that, Ifion reached into his coin purse and withdrew two gold coins. He placed one in each hand. Then, as he looked around the room, he struck them together. The noise, though not loud, pierced the almost total silence. He paused, then struck them together again. After his gaze had met the eyes of all those assembled, he let the coins fall to the table beneath him. He jumped down, gathered up his pack, his discarded cloak, and his staff. On his way out, he stuck the notice back in its original place, affixing it to the wall with a skinning knife.

    As he walked out the door, no one spoke. Even Doria forget to mention the cook's special.



    Re: For the People of Roldem
    « Reply #5 on: May 11, 2006, 03:32:01 pm »
    *Cymeran Vrinn jots down some questions*

    Affter embarising myself on numeraous ocasions, calling this place Rohan, I desided to do some geographical research.  I do smoke a lot of leafbottom ya knowz.  I figured out that this place is actualy two islandz.  Calishan, and Talimar, which I have aquired nice maps for.

    I am planning on going to Roldem with my cohortz, yes, for zee noble purpose of aiding zee people of Roldem.  I would apreciate any iformation on where a groupe of advenures would most be needed.  Also, I am curious as to if this ocupation was on both Islands?  Oh, and is there any roads we should be most carefull on when traveling?  *Scratches head* Oh and since we are known as "Killen and Mining Inc"  Any information on where we can do some mining, and vanquishing of evil beasts, would be greatly apreciated.

    Cymeran Vrinn
    Gypsy Dark Elf Prist of Az'atta


    RE: For the People of Roldem
    « Reply #6 on: May 16, 2006, 09:07:49 am »
    [big][yellow]Addendum to the Call for Aid[/yellow][/big]       The following list has been prepared to aid in collection of a proper range of items.  The numbers requested are suggested minimums.    [yellow][big]Categories[/big][/yellow]|[big][yellow]# Collected/# Requested[/yellow][/big]|

    [yellow]Basic Clothing Items:[/yellow]|

    [yellow]Food and Drink:[/yellow]|
    |Rice Cakes|3/100|
    |Other Food Donated|94|

    [yellow]Medical Supplies:[/yellow]|
    |Healing Potions|115/300|
    |Greenstone and Malachite Rings/Amulets|26/75|
    |Other Potions Donated|16|

    |Leather/Hide/Studded Armor|5/100|
    |Chain Shirt/Scale Mail/Chain Mail Armor|2/100|
    |Other Metal Armor|5/50|
    |Other Armor Donated (Helmets, Bracers, Etc)|7|

    |Bullets (99)|1/50|
    |Arrows (99)|0/100|
    |Bolts (99)|0/100|
    |Short Swords|2/50|
    |Light Hammers|2/100|
    |Hand Axes|0/100|
    |Other Weapons Donated|20|

    [yellow]Building Supplies:[/yellow]|
    |Wooden Planks|20/250|
    |Wooden Shafts|0/250|
    |Other Wood Donated|29|


    Pen N Popper

    RE: For the People of Roldem
    « Reply #7 on: May 18, 2006, 01:12:28 pm »
    *written on a half sheet of recycled parchment and attached near the other notices*
      Ifthe Hlint representative of this effort wishes, the Dragon's Whisper would like the opportunity to get some detailed information for our readers. Please send word to Bumblebee in Hlint to arrange a meeting if interested.