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Author Topic: Heard around the Wild Surge  (Read 131 times)


Heard around the Wild Surge
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:47:08 pm »
On a recent Freas afternoon, the heir of Tobur Xin can be overheard enjoying a few pints with his friends and peers.

 “So it seems me nephew fancies 'imself a bit of tinker, ya see...likes to work with th' small stuff, and he wants me ta get one o' dem tinkers thingamabobs for the shop. Well what could I say, ya know? Mah sis was standin' right there and the lad's ne'er asked me fer a thing in 'is life.”  He takes a long pull of his ale and sighs. “So that contraption finally got 'ere taday and I guess I'll be puttin' it in o'er th' weekend, like I ain' got nothin' better ta do, ya know?”
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Re: Heard around the Wild Surge
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 12:41:13 am »
*Two farmers are talking at a table over a few pints and a few dead soldiers (empty beers)*

"Did you hear about that nut near town?"
"Who's 'at?"
"Some guy shoutin' about reality and whatnot. Looks 'bout handsome as a scarecrow, 'bout as stiff as one, too, wearin' god knows what. I asked him, what's that you're wearin'? Know what he said?"
*puts on a voice and continues* "He wears this as a gift, it is cougar leather and worked to match the desert sands."
*the other farmer laughs* "Talks of himself like that does 'e? Glad he's not around my way.
*switching back* "Right? So's I asked him, What the hell desert's 'round here? He said, None."
"So he ain't completely bonkers."
"I'll be damned he isn't! 'E told me to look at a tree an' then told me I didn'see it. It 'us right ther'!"
"Right out, though he likes us folk. Says we're a right model of balance or somethin' since we figure to keep our town a smaller, quieter one without expandin' much."
"Sure, if'n we do expand we'd probably absorb a bunch'a nutters like him anyhow!"
*the two men laugh and continue to drink*
"So how're them squash growin' up your way?"
*their conversation fades back into the drone of the inn*

