The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Wild Surge Inn => Topic started by: orth on May 20, 2005, 12:37:00 pm

Title: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: orth on May 20, 2005, 12:37:00 pm
*Plenarius sits in prayer looking across Corax Lake early in the morning as Bris rests next to his side*

Mother, She Who Shapes All, the heart of Layonara, the key to all.  Guide my hand and prayers to defend Nature.  The enemies are moving, the time is now.  We need your wisdom, your guiding hand.  Turn your attentions to our lands for a breath.  Alert those in the pantheon.  Please Mother, Nature must prevail.  Without Nature, there is nothing.  You are the heart of all that happens this time.  Help me help you.  I am certain that the Great Oak must be protected at all costs.  This I will vow.  Let me know what else I can do to push the forces back.

*Plenarius sends some of his winged friends to travel across the land spreading news of a dire importance, he leaves notes tacked on inns and speaks to the animals and all creatures*

The other nigh as Brisbane and I spoke with my old mentor in Vale, he helped us come to a realization.  The Gods are losing touch with Layonara.  Involved in their wars, they are fading as the powers on the land rise.  I ask you all now, regardless of deity, to spend some time to reflect in prayer and worship of your deity.  Let them know we need them, we want them, help us turn the tide.  Let them hear many voices calling for their attentions returned to the mortal realm.  The time is almost lost, we need you.  Blood is marching, his minions are on the move.  Do not let history repeat himself.  Recall what happened with the Dragons warring and Blood.  It's in dire jeopardy of happening again, but this time vengeance is on his palette as well.

//If you are inclined please take the time to "pray/offer/worship" in this thread.  I'd like to see this thread get as big as some of our Just For Fun ones.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Qui_Z on May 20, 2005, 01:00:00 pm
Lucinda, I have devoted my life to studying the gift of magic you have granted me. Your weave connects everything and serves us all, regardless if a person worships you or not.
  I'm going to try and give the greatest gift I can and sponsor some young enchanters that cannot afford to study and work your gift of magic.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Rhizome on May 20, 2005, 02:49:00 pm
Rhizome slowly sits cross-legged in a spongy patch of brilliant green grass which pads the floor of Aerdin's Grove in the Sielwood Forest.  He lays his hands on his thighs, light as a whispering wind, and closes his eyes.  After an extened period of rhythmic breathing, Rhizome begins to make elvish words, drawing them out long in a deep resonating tone.
  "L    i    f     e"
  "U   n    i     t     y"
  "A    e    r    d    i    n"
  And then he repeats the sounds over and over like a mantra.  All the while, Nature's energy spills over him and through him.   The Grove surrounding him and the areas closeby seem to vibrate with potential energy.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: dadunmir on May 20, 2005, 05:11:00 pm
*Yashilla sits outside in the rain and as lightning fills the sky she utters the following:*

Thank you Mist, Lady Doom, for presenting yourself to me.  May you winds guide me and the strength of your storms be with me.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: regnus on May 20, 2005, 05:56:00 pm
*Owen walks to the campfire near Hlint and looks around to see if anyone is near.  When he is satisfied that no one is around, he takes off his hat, kneels down, and closes his eyes.*

"Uh.  Rofirein.  I, um.  Where do I start?  It's been a while.  Heh.  How have you been?"

*Owen shakes his head*

"No.  Not like that.  Why did I not listen closer when I was in the temple?  Rofirein.  I am not very good at this.  But I am sure you already know that since you are a god....  Bah!  I am no good at this!"

*Owen stands up and puts his hat back on.  He starts to walk away from the fire but stops after a couple of steps*

"I have nothing to lose and everything to gain..."

*Owen turns around and walks with conviction back to the fire, kneels down, throws his hat to the side and closes his eyes.*

"Rofirein.  I dont believe that I have ever really prayed to you.  I mean I've said the words, went through the motions, but never had my heart in it.  Well, hear my heart now.  Some things have been happening to me lately.  I dream of Dragons.  My thoughts turn to Dragons.  My life lately is consumed with them.  Yet, it seems like every time I get close to my goal by meeting one, I am turned away.  I become lost and when I wake I am somewhere else.  Is this your doing?  Are your wings sheltering me and protecting me from something?  Do you have a plan for me?  Is it your hand that is pushing me, guiding me?  I feel compelled to push onward by someone or something.  I am journeying into great danger soon in my search for answers.  To the demon lands of Xantril, into the Great Forest to speak to Katia's first follower.  I know you have no reason to, but I am asking begging you to send me your aid.  Guide my steps through to safety and to the answers I seek.  I..."

"This is useless.  Why would he take the time to answer me?"

*Owen stands again and grabs his hat.  He turns and walks away from the fire and does not look back.  
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Xandor Loriland on May 20, 2005, 07:52:00 pm
*Rawkwin walks into the temple of Aeridin in Ranger's Vale and kneels at the altar*
Oh great Aeridin I emplore you to give your servants wisdom in this dark time.  It seems even the gods are not safe fro this evil.  How will mere mortals ever be able to best it.  If the gods will not help then there seems to be no hope.  Are you testing us?  Is there something we need to do to get your attention?  Nothing seems clear.  I am doing my best to preserve the lives of those who strive for good.  This enemy Blood is an abomination to the great cycle.  Prove your power and your goodness.  Aid us in our struggle.
*Sitting silent for a few moments Rawkwin lets out a sigh*
Is there any hope?... We must continue to strive or there can be no hope..
*He gets up and walks back to Hlint*
Title: A prayer to my Lady of Spells
Post by: tomas on May 20, 2005, 08:48:00 pm
Oh Lady of Spells, I am in need of yer guidance now more than ever. With Blood's forces on the move, old enemies become new friends and that which was once clear and straight has become murky and clouded. The world is in turmoil and I, as one of yer servants need yer guiding hand to show me which path I should follow. I feel that during this time I must be more vigilant of the Weave, for protecting the Weave is my main concern but Blood is posing an immediate threat. Where should I place my efforst?
Title: Prayer to Toran
Post by: FlameStrike on May 21, 2005, 05:05:00 am
My Lord, the All Watching, your servants need you in these dark times, heed our call and strengthen our spirits, for the battles to come shall take many lives from our lands, and our enemy is focused even on the gods.
 Where have You gone to, i do not know, but i pray for your safe return to where you belong, which is fighting by Rofirein's side.  

 Be my light, and i shall be your blade.

 *Syn readies his gear and walks out of the temple, holding his ankh in one hand*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: aragwen on May 21, 2005, 07:44:00 am
*Jacchri sits down in the Sielwood forest, closes his eyes*

Longstrider, I sit down here today in this great forest and would like to give thanks for all the blessings bestowed upon me. You have always provided me with food, weapons, clothing and guidance and for this I thank thee. These days are however dark and troublesome and I sit here today speaking to you asking for your continued assistance and guidance.

Please guide my steps, my arrows and my actions, so that I may defend and serve the wood and all those within and around it.

*Jacchri slowly rises and smiles at the gathering of small forest animals and thinks to himself "Longstrider has not left us....yet!"
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: deagle on May 21, 2005, 12:46:00 pm
*Twixel finds a quiet niche within the Sielwood Caves near a malachite vein, sits in the darkness for awhile in meditation then speaks in his native tongue*

Oh Deep Mother, Beryl! It is Twixel, child of the stone within the deep caves, I hope you hear my call from so close to the surface.
I do not know the gods or beliefs of these surface dwellers that I have called friends but I do know that a great danger approaches and many stand in fear though they may not show it openly.
I beseach thee Deep Mother to grant me the resolve needed to stand with my friends against the encroaching darkness. I know I have been chosen for some great deed, I remember the dream of the dragon before I awoke in Hlint, but the knowledge has not yet come to me.
Beryl, guide me as I help to shape the great stone.

*he sits in the darknes a bit longer in silence as tears fall upon the malachite vein. He then stands, takes a deep breath and with firm conviction heads back to the surface*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: ZeroVega on May 21, 2005, 02:17:00 pm
*Halson smiles as he sees the letter tacked up on an Inn in Leilon, and closes his eyes as he walks to gather some supplies muttering under his breath*
    "Mother Nature, my friends need you. Give them the strength to protect what is most important, your glorious nature, give them the strength to protect each other, and give them the strength to do your will."
  *Tath reads the letter posted on Hotel Layonara and hurries back to his home to think*
    "Shall I pray to my kinsmen's god, or to the only god who's ever done anything for me. The Lady of Spells controlls the Weave and surely she is more deserving of followers than my kin's god's who think only of themselves. I am sure the Lady of Spells knows my feelings even if I do not."
  *Kilo reads the letter tacked upon the Wild Sturge Inn and quickly heads to do what he was about to*
    "Hello Vorax, it is me again, Kilo. I know you do not speak back to people often, but I will speak to you anyway, and I know you will listen. Things are not well here, these people need strength, strength that only you, Great Father of Battle, can give.
    "Bless me with the strength to defeat our enemies in your glory, Bless me with the endurace to outlast my enemies in battle in your glory, Bless me with the wisdom to overcome my enemies in your glory, and Bless me with faith in you, that you will give me and my friends what we need when we need it."
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Marius Falconhand on May 21, 2005, 09:40:00 pm
*sitting in a corner of the Wild Surge, Calvin begins to mutter to himself*

Oh ever Wise God and Lord of Knowledge. It seems as if the times are becoming dangerous indeed. I hear tales and conversations that seem to travel the land to my ears. Talk of war against Blood and the persistent step of his minions.

*Calvin takes a large draw from his pipe*

Aragen, I ask you in this time of need for our world that you can use me. Use me as a conduit of your message and also the message to others who seem to not be able to hear from their gods. I hope that I can become a meesenger of truth and good news to all around for the upcoming war may soon be upon our doorstep. My thanks to you lord for you answer not only my call but any who may call out to you. Praise be to you and all you stand for.

*Calvin sits back and sips on his cup, hoping to be used in a mighty way*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Andrios on May 22, 2005, 09:25:00 pm
*Tha'Azail slowly walks down the steps and sits in front ot the altar of Aeridin in Ranger's Vale.  He props his walking stick beside him and Prays*

Aeridin,  Giver of Life and Defender of the Great Cycle, hear my prayer now as you always have before.  I thank you for the wisdom you have guided me with.  WhenI have turned to you for instruction you have never failed.  In order to support  those who would defend Layonara you have shown me the right path, even introducing me to your strongest, and Katia's first.  I pray that you continue to Guide me.  Give me the strength and the ability to support my friends and all others that would join in defending Layonara and preserving the Great Cycle.  Also, mighty Aeridin I believe you are calling upon me to be a destroyer of undead, to return their souls to the Great Cycle.  Give me the strength and the knowledge to complete the task you have set before me.  Give me the wisdom and the words to convince others that we must unify in order to preserve what we love.  May you find something in your humble disciple worthy of the gifts you have bestowed upon him.  I will spend my life supporting and defending the life you have given others.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Dezza on May 22, 2005, 10:32:00 pm
*Tarradon kneels before the statue of Rofirein in the Cathedral in Pranzis, a sacred text clutched to his chest*

O Mighty Rofirein,

I speak to you in this our hour of need.

As you spread your great wings to protect those whom do not even realise they need protecting.
As you stand at the forefront of the gods to defend them against the threats they face.
As you suffer the burden of knowing we stand upon the brink of destruction.

Ever in the past you have cared for those of us who walked upon this land.
In times you have wept tears of sadness when those beloved of you lose their path or suffer at the hands of their enemies.
In times past you have welcomed all who sought to return to the comfort of your wings embrace.

This time, now…in the hour of greatest need know that the faithful of Rofirein are with you, you stand not alone.

Our steadfastness, our hearts and our souls are with you Great Dragon.
Into the light of your love for the people of this world we step, to follow the path you set by your Will.

Grant us the wisdom to see the best way to serve you our defender.
Grant us the strength of your love as a shield to protect the innocent.
Grant us the Might of your will to drive back those who seek to destroy
Grant us the Light of your soul to see the way to serve you and those we defend.

*pauses in Prayer and voice becomes emotional*

O Great Rofirein,
My heart and soul are yours to command.
Your will I serve alone.
Whatever you ask of me it is yours.
Strength and love I offer to you of all I can give.

By your will.

*Tarradon kneels quietly for a while gathering his thoughts, after a time he picks up his shield, buckles his sword back on with determination and strides confidently out of the Cathedral. As he leaves the building he nods to the priest on Duty and is heard to comment ‘The Congregation of the Faithful is even more important now than ever before. I will see it done Rofirein, I swear it’.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Annun Firith on May 25, 2005, 12:10:00 am
* Annun speaks quietly in dark elven, occasionally borrowing words from elven when neccessary *

"Wreathed in flaming phoenix fire
With every dawn carried higher
You are the spark along the wire
Which comes to me with feelings inspired."
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: dadunmir on June 27, 2005, 03:16:00 pm

Thank you Mist, Lady Doom, for presenting yourself to me.  Not a day goes by that I don't seek your infinite wisdom or pray for

your strength.  A new tide washes ashore.  Your tide.  Great strength has been brought to you domains.  The future shall hold

great trials and tests of faith, I pray your winds continue to guide me and the strength of your storms be with me.
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Zen on June 28, 2005, 09:39:00 am
*after killing skeletons in a cript in Hlit Garnet Stonesmythhy kneels*

Oh Great VORAX please listen to your humble monk on this feild of victorious battle.

Please turn your attention to your faithfull here on Layonara as we do glorious battle in your name!

For all Battle done here by your faithfull is in honor of you.

And if you have the time or notition please ask Katia to answer Plenarius.

*Gatnet noticing another skeleton swinging at him rases and with a battle cry defeates the unholy monster and its allys then kneels*

For you oh Great VORAX!

*Garnet Stonesmythhy then raises and walks Victorous from the cript*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Rayenoir on June 28, 2005, 11:04:00 am
*after reading the note posted in the Wild Surge, Ars Lifbahn makes his way to the Great Library, surrounding himself with a circle of books on a wide variety of subjects, sits down among them and focuses his thoughts*

"Aragen, you know as well as I that I seek not your assistance, as well I never actively regard you as I am doing now.  But I must respect that you are a being of higher power, so long as I do not bear divinity myself, and I defer to Plenarius' wisdom and show that among your followers, there are those such as I who know that your hand continues to be required in this world as much as any other of the gods or goddesses."

*with that brief, logical statement.. Ars stands, gathers up the books and puts them each back on the appropriate shelves, and returns to Hlint*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Chief Waha on June 28, 2005, 12:28:00 pm
*reads Plen's note, Waha grabs his gear and heads to the smithy*

*Waha approaches the forge*  

Dorand grant your protection and strength to all the heroes that stand against Blood.

*brings his hammer down on his meditation piece*

Guide the 'ands and 'ammers o' crafters everywhere, experienced craftsmen beh needed in dese troubled times.

*continues to hammer*

Grant us deh inspiration teh better defend ourselves against deh onslaught.


'elp us bury old feuds an' stand together as one.

*stops walks over to the recycler and holds up an extremely beautiful warhammer*

Me 'ands are yers, as is me craft.

*throws the warhammer in the recycler*

Dorand's forge protect an' shelter us.

*allows the contents to cool and retrieves the metal and shaft*

Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: darkwulf365 on June 30, 2005, 02:18:00 am
After reading Plenarius's note in the inn, the man in black quickly turns and starts to make his way back through town.  Looking at the ground with worried concentration as he slowly walks toward his campsite, ignoring all of the busy people filling the streets around him.  Reaching his destination he sits against a tree and stares deeply into the campfire.  After a few moments he closes his eyes and speaks these words to someone he only knows by name, but who he hopes truly does exist.  "Ummm...Lucinda?  I don't know if you can hear this, or even if you want to listen.  I've never exactly prayed to anybody before, so please don't do anything permanent to me if I mess it up."  Slowly opening his eyes, Jeran pulls off one of his gloves and regards his scarred hand momentarily.  Taking a slow, deep breath he again closes his eyes and starts to speak.  "I guess I have you to thank for this, even though it may be a little late in coming.  I want to thank you for these gifts you have given me.  I want to thank you for Celgar and for what I've learned of you from him, even though he can put me to sleep if he talks too much.  I just wanted to tell you that without the Weave I am nothing, and so without you, I would be nothing.  I know that the world needs you, now more than ever and if need be I would pledge my life to protecting the Weave, the world and the ones I care about, if you would ask it of me.  And although it may not be proper, I do have a favor to ask, if you would..."  "Lately...I've been having these terrible nightmares, maybe they're visions of the future, or just the possibility of a future, I don't know...but they're getting worse and more frequent.  I don't know what they mean, but...I think they're connected to the rate at which my powers are growing, and I don't know what to do.  Celgar mentioned the Song of the Weave once, I don't know if that's what this is, but it's growing...quickly.  It makes me scared because I feel that soon I won't be able to control it.  All I ask is that you tell me, show me, something.  I need to know what this is...I need to be able to control it.  It's tearing me up inside, and I don't know where else to turn."  "Anyways...thank you for listening, at least I think you're listening.  Please pass your blessings onto Cel and Kira.  And especially to Anna, she's become dear to me, and I couldn't stand to lose her either...And if you need anything, please ask, I will do whatever I can"
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Nuzatch on July 03, 2005, 01:16:00 am
*Scherzo sees the note on the wall.  Grinning slightly he tucks himself in the corner of the inn and seems to read just a little more intently*

*Across the room Volrath is pondering the note over a Cherry Lambic.*

Hrm, that Plenarius fellow sure knows how to get a man thinking.

*He purchases a room, and makes himself comfortable and kneels down on the floor*

Lady Lucinda, you have blessed me with your holy light and strengthened my ties to The Weave.  You have given purpose to an old man once again and for that, I have not words to thank you.  May you bless my friends that their ties into The Weave grow ever stronger, and I so that I might right the wrongs caused to it.

*He spends most of the rest of the evening in his room in deep thought, emerging occasionally for another Cherry Lambic*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Trip1888 on July 03, 2005, 08:57:00 am
*a small halfling with muscular hands is writing on a small, candlelit table*  *slowly puts down his quill pen and tilts his head up closing his eyes*

Aragen.  I know knowledge and wisdom are not dead.  I know there are those who still turn to you to lead them down the path that is right.  I am one of them.  Lead us all now.  Give us the wisdom to undo this evil.  I look to you.

*slowly opens his eyes, picks up his quill pen, and begins writing again*

-Bido Ryskill
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: RouterBlade on July 05, 2005, 11:43:00 am
Bruenor drops his shield down infront of him 2 feet away, inverts his axe and lowers it to the ground as bruenor rests his hands on the bottom of the handle as he prays on his knees to his god of war,battle.vigilance, and bravery near the pond in hlint

He begins speaking in his dwarvish tongue

"Vorax, god that guides my life..I thank you for watching over me and giving me the strength and bravery to overcome certain tasks. Without you I would indeed be lost and helpless. Give my friends and I the bravery and strength to cleave Sinthar Bloodstone's skull along with his generals Milara,Dreznab, Eon, and Xandrial. You inspire my every action,every thought. I hope one day i may be of more service to you, but for now I am your faithful Kuldjargh and servant."
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: General_Ski on July 05, 2005, 11:49:00 am
*sees all the notes*  Mumbles: By Aeridin, if these beings aided others as much as they pray to their Gods, they'd be closer to their Gods indeed. It's deeds not prayers that helped me closer to the light. May Aeridin shed light on your paths.
*Turns and slowly walks away*
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Sakura on July 05, 2005, 03:13:00 pm
[SIZE=2.5]*Willow sits near the temple of Deliar holding her treasure, a small ring with a blood red diamond set inside. She looks to the sky and wonders what the world is coming too*  [COLOR=2286CB]Deliar, Grant us the blessings of the treasure of above. I am always to the day-to-day life looking to be a better merchant for you. It’s hard when one is striving to find the one we lost and to live for everything that shines under the moon.[/COLOR]  *She sighs*  [COLOR=2286CB]I shall love only two and there is only two for me.[/COLOR] *Smiling slightly*[COLOR=2286CB] You Deliar and my beloved Alexander. Many friends have come and gone but something’s will always remain the same in the world of luck and coin.  What is it that calls us to the world of coin? Most will never know... but I know in my heart that I shall always be there, even if the world would fall into a war and chaos. I shall rise up with my courage and my friends by my side to fight what ever comes our way.[/COLOR]  *She then thinks of all her friends.*  [COLOR=2286CB]I have so much to be thankful for; oddly I have friends that would be worshipers of those that you would not love so much. [/COLOR]*She smiles*[COLOR=2286CB]  But in any time of trouble I believe it would be best to strive to work with them.  What is life with out someone to sell to?[/COLOR]  *She then stands putting the ring back on her left ring finger. After which she looks to the south then north as in for searching for someone that will never come to see her again. She takes short steps to the crafters hall watching over her shoulder for something or someone that might step out of the shadows. Opening the crafting door, she stops herself from crying as she walks into the hall in hopes of creating that perfect gem for the one she loves.*[/SIZE]
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Zhofe on July 07, 2005, 04:56:00 am
Hyuga reads the note, sits, and reflects on it.

"It is a strange land ... but if my ancestors can hear me, may they lend me strength."
Title: RE: Are you there Katia? It's me Plenarius.
Post by: Xerina on July 07, 2005, 04:57:00 am
*ErN'aer reads the note and walks out to the temple of Ilsare in Hlint. And after a early morning bath bows before the statue*
Lady of Dreams once in my life I felt love, when I first met my Tidwell. Twice in life I have been touched by you. As a babe when my father fell in battle having never seen me, and again when I met my love Tidwell, who also fell in battle against the song witch. Three times the sting of loss has struck me. Again when Alan my uncle and mentor fell before the song witch. Four times I was named cursed and weak. Five lives were drawn together and shattered by the song witch, My father, my lover, my uncle, my own, and the witch herself. Lady of Dreams to those that have passed beyond my grasp I know they did not follow you but send them my love, and to the one here I hate the one that shares my skin teach her love and let your love guard me. Guide our work our writing and our songs. Let my stories inspire heroics in my companions and spark love for life and our fellow man.
*She reflects on her life and the love lost and with a tear running down her cheek stands and walks out the gate from Hlint and into the forest*