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Author Topic: The Strangest Thing  (Read 69 times)


The Strangest Thing
« on: July 29, 2006, 07:50:13 am »
While I was out gathering ingredients to make firewood lager, I stumbled upon the strangest sight in the middle of the Blood Desert.

A small group of skeleton pirates surrounding a fallen body.

One could tell they were pirates because of their peg legs and hats which I thought was pretty cute.

Anyway, I didn't stop and investigate despite the curious sight - too busy with my own affairs, invisible and worried about some over-sized brutes on the horizon.

If anyone else happens upon such a sight, let us know!

- Freldo


RE: The Strangest Thing
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 06:48:38 pm »
The desert has changed as has everything else, Frilly, and it is dangerous for most to travel at night, as well as cold enough to freeze the hairs on an ogre's arse. Invisible is a good call...!