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Author Topic: Seeds of Change - to all who wants teh know  (Read 73 times)


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Seeds of Change - to all who wants teh know
« on: December 27, 2006, 06:45:22 am »
*written on the back of some arcane scroll*

Oi Hargranar Threeleg Craggenhilt. Gots infermation 'bouts teh seeds oi hear so much talk about. Involves recipe's on how teh cleanse teh earth and sky and such. Oi believe ye treehuggers would be interested iffen ye be into such things loike.

Only demand oi make be tha' oi know ye. Or atleast 'ave 'eard o' ye...or know someone who 'eard o' ye. Cannae be too careful!

signed: Hargranar Threeleg Craggenhilt, servant of Vorax, Captain of the first division of Deepsnur.


RE: Seeds of Change - to all who wants teh know
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2006, 06:53:44 am »
*a paw print is marked upon the post*

i know you harg and send word when and where to share this information


gilshem ironstone

Re: Seeds of Change - to all who wants teh know
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 12:24:35 am »
*A note is poated in a firm, precise dwarven script*


I'm not sure what these seeds are, but they seem to be of imterest.  We will talk, one kin to another, when next we meet.

-Gilshem Ironstone, Battle-Priest of the Hammer


RE: Seeds of Change - to all who wants teh know
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2006, 03:20:47 am »
*Jacchri walks in and reads the notice and immediately pens a letter to Harg which he hands to the postmaster to deliver urgently*
  I would very muck like to learn what you know. Let me know where and when we can get together
  Regards Jacchri

