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Author Topic: Stolen Map  (Read 87 times)


Stolen Map
« on: March 05, 2006, 08:11:46 am »
In red ink and in a small hand is a note
To all who where in the Wild Sugre Inn last night, Wile in my room I put out a Map I was completing of the area around Stone, I left the room for a few moments to refill my wine decanter and on my return found it missing. Now this could be a simple theft but as nothing else was taken, I find this very suspicions the small trap I left to guard my rooms was expertly deactivated, as I was away for such a short period of time I would say the culprit of the theft must be a master of the craft. This map was of grate Importance. Now I hold out little hope of getting it back and the authorities have told me they are doing all they can to get it back and apprehend the taker. But I feel it my duty to tell others that in my opinion there are Spies t work in Hlint so be warned.

Should you come across my map please contact the Militia at once!
Singed Mille Mooneyes Map Maker

