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Author Topic: Chapel of Az  (Read 73 times)


Chapel of Az
« on: May 09, 2006, 03:31:31 pm »
*Having discussed his intentions with Eldratha, Ael obtains a list of the faithful of Az’atta among those summoned by the Dragon and sends each of them a brief notice of the following:*

*At the Surge, the Arms, and the Freelancer, he posts the following, on fine parchment in calligraphy that is flowing and graceful, yet austere:*

A fundamental teaching of Az'atta's faith is this: "Go forth into the world and use your training and powers to serve and protect those in need in any way that you are able. Do not be passive, but be an active force for good in Layonara."

All who adhere to this principle are welcome to join Az’attas faithful at 116 Fort Llast on *specifies the date and time corresponding to the event listed above*

There will a prayer and a short message, followed by discussion among the Goddess’ faithful, about how we, individually and as a group, can better realize Her ideals.  Those not among her faithful are welcome to listen and contribute their knowledge of our realm and its history; and to join us in any endeavor upon which we subsequently embark.


Ael Rynthien d'lil Maethra