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Author Topic: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!  (Read 460 times)


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Re: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2006, 12:52:38 am »
*eyes Kobals note and grins wide*

Well that will be a nice quick show, but i alwese injoy watching that dwarf fight, almost insperatinal. I do hope there will be an announced time for the amsument.

Black Raven

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    Re: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #21 on: September 01, 2006, 01:08:15 am »
    *Reading through the posts, the guised woman in a golden armor suit attach a note of her own*

    As one that has been there to see this all with her own eyes, I see it only fit to have the drow named "Nepp" to be thrown in jail, or banned from within the city walls. Not only did he clearly announce that he would love to burn the town to the ground, he also raised his swords at me and another that were trying to make sense of the chaos.

    Drows should be banned from this city completely if not captured and caged, and only a slight few should be allowed in after being proven right. Why should we risk our lives and the lives of the citizens of Hilnt any longer with more incidents like this?

    Iz, of the temple in Fort Llast. *A small ankh symbol was printed in the end of the message*


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    RE: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #22 on: September 01, 2006, 02:51:49 am »
    *Yet another note in the same tiny writing.*
      I am in agreement with the majority. If there is anything left of the drow after he has faced the mighty Kobal Bluntaxe, he shouldface banishment - or worse.


    RE: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #23 on: September 01, 2006, 03:05:01 am »
    i agree, if the drow is behind my distress then he should suffer the full blow of fate.
      end him slowly Bluntaxe!


    Re: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #24 on: September 01, 2006, 03:08:29 pm »
    *with no noise, unseen nepp walks up to the notes and scribbles*

    I told ya the facts. Only had a problem with Izzy, Something isnt right with that person. Hiding something. Kinda reminds me of where I grew up..cant put a finger on it.

    by the longstrider what humourless knaves. Prince of wolves, show these people how to laugh.

    *With a quick sloppy humour laden grin, he takes out some bright yellow paint and a brush, without anyone seeing, writes "Nepp rules!" across all the notices and the departs*


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    RE: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #25 on: September 01, 2006, 05:24:23 pm »
    Ash scurries through the Surge, dragging a bag of corn behind her.
      She whispers, "My gods. When will he grow up?"


    Re: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #26 on: September 02, 2006, 01:15:43 pm »
    Stephen_Zuckerman - 8/30/2006  3:07 AM

    This lawlessness has gone on long enough; much more of this blatant disregard of the people's goodwill, and the drow as a whole will lose it, making many peacable Hlintan drow the target of growing hostility.

    *Written in delicate handwriting below the letter above*

    I have told all of you fools that Drow can not be trusted. Is it worth opening the door to one Drow you think you can trust, so that one thousand other Drow can follow behind that one and slaughter your children in their sleep? You are fools, all of you.

    My advice for dealing with Drow is to keep your dealings as one of profit and gain. Barter and trade from a distance. Or you can always open your doors and lower your guards and fill the crypts of Hlint. I think the choice would be simple...

    Magus Del'Mar


    Re: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
    « Reply #27 on: September 02, 2006, 01:57:33 pm »
    *Written below the Post of Cymeran*

    You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing and these fools let you in their flocks with open arms. It amuses me how you curse the Drow you run from, then lump yourself with those same Drow in your twisted web of hypocrisy. You are hated and hunted by the Drow of the Underdark because of your betrayal. You once stood by those very same Drow slaughtering the surfaces races, and now because you grew bored and claim to be “good” you expect races of the surface to forget your past? You are pathetic.

    Your letter cries for understanding and credit to be given to you from the surfaces races and yet in the same letter you write how you have betrayed your own? Only a fool would open their arms to an enemy who has just betrayed their own kind. If one will turn their back on their family and then slaughter them shortly after, why would anyone dare be foolish enough to not expect them to do the same again?

    What credit do you think you deserve? You say your family was evil and you have seen the error of your ways? The fact remains you stood beside your family and committed those same “errors”. You participated in the slaughter of the very same Dalthir you now run to begging forgiveness. You are a hypocrite and a true definition of evil. When you are done with the surface races, or grow bored of them, you will deem them “evil” and slaughter them in their sleep, then run back to the underdark pleading for understanding and credit for your deeds. The only difference is the Drow of your homelands are not fools and will not open their homes to your treachery in the manner that these foolish surface races have done. Your homelands will not be tricked again in the manner you are deceiving the surface races. Your web of lies is just beginning to surface.

    You say, “999 out of 1000 Drow will cut your throat for a bag of green dust”. By your own hand you give the odds to the surface races. My advice to those reading this and to the surfaces races is simple. Just look at the odds and the words written here by this Priest of Az’atta. This priest has admitted to slaughtering his own because he no longer wanted to be like them. Were they evil? Does it matter when you take into account this Priest committed those same acts and goes unpunished for his crimes? What will happen when this Priest of Az’atta no longer wants to be like you? It is said that history has a way of repeating itself. This Priest of Az’atta, by his own words has given you the odds. Now I am not a betting fool, but even I can see those odds are not in my favor. If I had children, I would not take those odds and open my home. Those odds, by this Priests very word, are not worth the risk of burying my family.

    Magus Del'Mar

