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Author Topic: Postmaster Vale  (Read 170 times)


Postmaster Vale
« on: March 04, 2007, 07:14:22 pm »
*Gossips and rumour-mongers have been telling tales that one of Hlint's most eligible bachelors, Postmaster Vale, has been seen escorting an attractive young lady of unknown origin to the Wild Surge the last few evenings. The couple were seen sharing a candle-lit meal at a corner table and fellow diners reported much giggling and intimate whispering going on. Later in the evening, after a few glasses of liquid refreshment, the dutiful civic servant and his partner allegedly set the dance floor alight. Hostess Doria divulged to one patron that she had never seen Vale looking so happy, nor did she know that he had such an enviable range of golem-movement dance moves.*


Re: Postmaster Vale
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 04:24:17 pm »

*A loose-lipped saleslady at the Port Hempstead Jewellery shoppe told her sister (who told her husband who passed it on to a colleague at work who mentioned it in passing to the butcher who felt obliged to tell his wife who told the other members of the bridge club...) that Postmaster Vale had recently been perusing engagement rings. When approached by the salesperson offering her assistance it is reported that Vale giggled nervously before beating a hasty exit.*


Re: Postmaster Vale
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 03:55:14 pm »

*Vale, Hlint’s resident Postmaster has tendered his letter of resignation. His current whereabouts are unknown but he left Hlint yesterday in a great hurry. Onlookers report they heard sounds of sobbing from the heavily cowled figure as he departed.*