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Author Topic: Dwarven activity  (Read 92 times)


Dwarven activity
« on: February 24, 2007, 03:33:01 am »
*Lately you recognize the dwarven activity become more visible around you. In small groups they speak with lowered voices in their own tongue. Something seems to “stir” in the dwarven community. When you pass by them some groups stops talking and watches you until you have moved out of hearing range even though you are a different race*


Re: Dwarven activity
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 06:17:54 am »
*Barion notices the dwarves speaking to eachother in their own tongue more and more often while he passes small groups in the streets in different towns.
 When he passes a group with Varka, he waves and nods and when he hears the conversation fall still he shakes his head somewhat and excuses himself.
 While walking away he mumbles to himself"" I thought i had some credits build up by my dwarven friends,being one that has helped three Thains to get back to their feet would give you the idear that the dwarves would know that you can be trusted*sighs* Guess not ""


Re: Dwarven activity
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 03:33:30 pm »
*Rumours from Alindor spread quicker than lightning travel over the sky. In guilds, merchant houses, taverns even in the alleys where the beggar are at home it has come to their ears.  

Many small groups of dwarves from different Clans have been seen travelling towards Bloody Gate carrying along tools and building materials. For months work has been carried out on the dwarven stronghold which now seems to have come to and end.

A dwarven Stronghold which once looked like a graveyard has now risen from the ashes and been restored. Like it once were and now is - under Rory Rockfist, The King of Bloody Gate*

