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Author Topic: To all Dorandites  (Read 117 times)

gilshem ironstone

To all Dorandites
« on: February 19, 2007, 06:59:51 pm »
I, Gilshem of the Ironstone Clan, Hammer of Dorand, would like to announce a pilgrimmage to Lyn next Wedlar for the purpose of paying homage to the High Hammers great work as well as donating our own.  I invite all kinsman to accompany me as I have been so honoured to in the trips to Ulgrid's, as well as any other faithful to Dorand.  Please leave notice if you are able to come.

In the name of the Priceless Gem!

// link to calendar event here:

gilshem ironstone

Re: To all Dorandites
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 04:04:51 pm »
*walks by his notice and sees that not one dwarf has responded*  Geez!  Ye'd tink I was askin' dem ta try on acid gitch or someot!  *he adds to the bottom* This will be fun on the order of Varka's psrties so come on down and enjoy!  Dwarf's Head provided in Lyn!  *laughs quietly to himself as he leaves* I could nay resist dat... *crack a bottle of the Head*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: To all Dorandites
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 11:44:22 pm »
*written below*

I will do my best to join you. Dorand has recently blessed me with the work of a lifetime and I would pay my respect to the priests and the High Hammer.


Mastiff of Liv

RE: To all Dorandites
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2007, 10:35:15 am »
Although it pains me to say so,I would not be able to reach town by the early departure time.I will attempt to meet up with the group later or, if possible, during the trip itself.
  ~ Durgen

gilshem ironstone

Re: To all Dorandites
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 08:45:30 am »
*after their dinner with King Rory Gilshem leans over to Durgen*  Nay problem if ye kin nay set out wit us ta Lyn, catch up wit us if ye kin an' make sure ye use one o' yer fancy spells ta keep outta sight if yer alone... Da ogres in dose mountains are bloody killers!  Gilshem looks out over the table and addresses the rest of his kin.  What about ye?  All o' ye are invited on my pilgrammage to da Citadel o' Da 'ammer!