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Author Topic: Political wrangling across Dregar  (Read 40 times)


Political wrangling across Dregar
« on: November 01, 2009, 08:32:36 pm »
The Sabre, recognised ruler of Liwich has come forward and made an amazing announcement that has been supported completely by the Regnant of Hurm, Saviar Morgensen and over the last few hours by all authorities across Liwich.

By order of The Sabre, Liwich has offered the criminal Gork a FULL pardon for all crimes and accusations made against him by lawful authorities across the world and free access to any and all places within Liwich itself.

The Sabre met briefly with ambassadors from Boyer, Sederra and Succession as well as with Rofireinite representatives in Liwich Castle. Rumour has it that the ambassadors were not happy when they left and in fact were extremely terse and unwilling to make any comments on what transpired within.

Following the Sabres announcement the ambassadors one by one declared that regardless of Liwich's offer to the criminal Gork who, if the Rofireinites are to believe, is dead anyway, their nations will still have in place a bounty and considerable restrictions in relation to the criminal. Each of the Ambassadors has cited the fact that Liwich has no authority to recant their own nations laws and charges.

In perhaps the most sensational news that has angered the Ambassadors further is that the Rofireinite representatives in Liwich have, with some reluctance, granted The Sabres request to drop all charges to date against the criminal Gork.

In the face of such a strange decision the ambassadors of Boyer, Succession and Sederra have angrily upheld their own countries laws and declared that should Gork, in the unlikely event, rise from his grave and be found within any of their borders he will be summarily executed without trial.

The Ambassador from Rael has refused to make any comment.

Many political observers feel that the increasing tension across Dreger in relation to the hunt for Gork was simply a precurser to an attempt to instill chaos and civil war across Dreger with the intention of providing Lord Rael an opportunity and reason to march his armies north to pacify his neighbours and instill his rule across all of Dreger. While this has no supporting evidence to date there are some whispering in corners that this is perhaps the true nature of what had been occuring. How the criminal Gork was involved remains a mystery but it certainly seems that he has the full support of Liwich at least.