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Author Topic: A Grand Time Had By All  (Read 58 times)

Grid Blader

A Grand Time Had By All
« on: September 04, 2006, 08:29:20 pm »
*In all the Inns and Hotel's a white paper is placed in neat hand wrighting the words read*

I would like to anounce the Wedding of,

Mr. Barion Firesteed and Mrs. Sa'kura Firesteed

The event was held in Gnoll's Watch.  The wedding was a grand event and fun was held by all.  

I would like to personal thank every one the came to witness the event.

On a personal note.  With one chapter closed another one opens.  With this opening.  I wish nothing but the best for the happy couple and nothing but the best of times.  

May the All Watching look apon you both with favor and protect you both.

May Love Guide Your Way



