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Author Topic: For sale: Oak longbow of the hunter w/ mighty +1  (Read 159 times)


For sale: Oak longbow of the hunter w/ mighty +1
« on: July 07, 2006, 09:12:35 pm »
As the topic said.

Level 9 required to use it.

Paid 8000 for the bow, and 5000 for the mighty add on.

Will sell for 10,000

If interested, contact me in game, or PM.

Character: Nepp'akyo Da'Ladium


RE: For sale: Oak longbow of the hunter w/ mighty +1
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2006, 10:23:53 pm »
Sorry to post this, was told this is too vauluable to sell, its the old style, and im keeping it

