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Author Topic: In search of explorers and adventurers  (Read 65 times)


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    In search of explorers and adventurers
    « on: July 06, 2006, 07:06:01 pm »
    *A note is pinned to the wall by an arrow*
    I am looking to start or join a group of fellow adventurers that base in Hlint or another nearby area that will meet regularly. I have grown tired of spending my time in the crypts or the Red Light Caverns, and want to venture farther away. Since that will normally involve greater amounts of danger, at least a marginal level of adventuring experience would be recommended. That is not to say, however, that one with less experience would be turned away.

    I have a bit of experience as a bard, and more recently as a ranger. I am fairly skilled with the longbow, though not so much in melee combat. As such, a couple of fellows skilled in melee combat are always in need. Those familiar in manipulating the weave are also invited, as are any who can disable traps and locked doors that we might come upon.

    I have been travelling with a monk named Dean, and almost as often, a paladin named Thomas. When we are in Hlint, we can normally be found near the benches  by the crypts, or the area around the bindstone. I would like to have a regular group that totals at least five to seven members, though more than that is perfectly acceptable.

    If you are interested in a group similar to what I describe, look for me in town or pin up a note here in the Inn.

    *Signed Agron Thornthistle*

    //I am generally online between 7-9:30pm PST [GMT -8]. Sometimes as early as 5 or 6pm. On Friday and Saturday nights I can be online as late as the adventure is flowing!


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    RE: In search of explorers and adventurers
    « Reply #1 on: July 06, 2006, 09:47:29 pm »
    *written just beneath the note*
     I'd be most interested in joining such a group, always looking for new places to be heading off to. I know my way around Rilara pretty well, not too bad with a bow or sword, and especially good against undead and creepy crawlies.
     - Rend
     // The time's pretty much perfect for me, although I'm not on til about half an hour later on weekdays, which are one day ahead of PST time (Had to use a time conversion chart to figure that out :) )


    Re: In search of explorers and adventurers
    « Reply #2 on: July 07, 2006, 03:41:30 am »
    " added to the letter "

    I am always looking for adventourous groups to join.....  ( //my times may vary as im on BST time )
    I will join you when I can.

    Sallaron Tempest

