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Author Topic: Note posted on the board, and on the great tree in Hlint.  (Read 51 times)


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    Note posted on the board, and on the great tree in Hlint.
    « on: October 12, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
    *written in ok common* I am seek to loose Spider poison glands, Ettercap Silk Glands andso Spider Silk.. Find me at Rangers Vale with offer..

    *it is signed Ly'Sylria, and there is a inked paw print next to her name*

    Guardian 452

    RE: Note posted on the board, and on the great tree in Hlint.
    « Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 09:22:00 am »

    *Danny watches from the shadows to see who is around, seeing no one he slips over and rips down the note and tucks it away in his jerkin, then he leaves Hlint to the west*