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Author Topic: Freldo's Corner: Fifteen! Fifteen! and the stars  (Read 107 times)


Freldo's Corner: Fifteen! Fifteen! and the stars
« on: February 15, 2006, 05:04:05 am »
Freldo, after a few drinks, walks over to a corner in the Wild Surge Inn.

*bows and starts*

Freldo the bard here once again, this time I won't be wearing armor to tell my tales.

I noticed that the dwarves and half-orcs amoung us have started giving me a crooked look so tonight let me tell you tales about halflings and elves.

...cheering from the dwarves...

I can see I won't have to worry about dwarven cabbages hitting me tonight!  That's always nice.

So...  an elven friend of mine was walking down the street of Leilon after a long week's adventure when he noticed a halfling jumping on a manhole cover yelling wildly.  He was a wise elf of many years but he had never seen such a sight and stepped up to the halfling to hear what he was yelling.

"Fifteen! FIFTEEN!!" bellowed the halfling, jumping high in the air.

"What are you doing, friend?" inquired the elf.

"Aw, you gotta try this!" said the halfling.  "Jump on this manhole cover and yell at the top of your lungs.  It's a real rush!  Try it!"

The elf raised an inquisitive eyebrow.  "Really?"

"Aw, yes!  You see how much fun I'm having?"

It was true that the little one seemed to really be enjoying himself, so the elf took the halfling's place on the manhole cover.  He hopped up in the air and said a tentative "Fifteen?"

"No, no!" said the halfling.  "Higher! Louder!"

"Fifteen!" said the elf, more forcefully, while jumping higher.  "Fifteen! Fifteen! FIFTEEN!" Higher and higher he jumps.  "FIFTEEN!!" he screams, leaping high into the air.

The halfling quickly stooped and pulled away the manhole cover.  The elf promptly plummeted down the manhole to a painful end, his armor clanging.

The halfling calmly replaced the manhole, got back on, leapt high into the air and begun to yell again.  "Sixteen! SIXTEEN!!!"


An elf and a halfling are in camp.  In the middle of the night, the halfling awakens and nudges the elf.

"Elf, look up and tell me what you see."

The elf ponders a moment, then replies, "I see thousands of stars, and those stars must be like our own sun, with planets of their own.  With all those thousands of worlds circling thousands of suns - there must be life out there!"

The halfling snorted and rolled onto his side. "No, stupid elf, someone stole our tent!"


Hey!  That arrow almost hit me!

someone shouts: The next elven joke get's you one in the eye!

That's why I prefer dwarves, at least they throw cabbages...  Goodnight!

*scurries away under his shield*


Re: Freldo's Corner: Fifteen! Fifteen! and the stars
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2006, 06:57:48 am »
*Supin, sitting in the corner lets out a snort*

Don't waste arrows on the poor fellow-he tells good dwarf stories...  now, I CAN always send Avane after him...  I'm sure that a big ol wolf would change his story pretty quick!!!"

*Supin then makes a hasty retreat from the dwarves glaring at her*


Re: Freldo's Corner: Fifteen! Fifteen! and the stars
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 12:57:30 pm »
//The manhole never fails to get me, no matter how many times it's done at Band Camp. I'm still giggling away.//

Pyyran, slowly regaining his composure after the overwhelming fit of laughter the first joke caught him in, calls out, "Oi, an' what abou' the humans, eh? Ye've left us untouched! Come, let's hear about our own kind, Freldo!"


Re: Freldo's Corner: Fifteen! Fifteen! and the stars
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 02:15:51 pm »
*scurrying away behind his shield, Freldo passes Pyyran*

I certainly did, that'll be corrected as soon as those elves get sobered up and stop trying to kill me...  Probably in a few years.


Re: Freldo's Corner: Fifteen! Fifteen! and the stars
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2006, 03:00:39 pm »
*Zandor is sitting in the corner drinking some ale*

Argh...that be funny about the halfling, elf and manhole. not a right smart elf there i be saying. and good thing that bugger not be saying anymore jokes about dwarves i went and got me some right good throwing axes te night just in case *drinks the last of his ale and walks out of the inn*

" a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
"courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
"he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"