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Author Topic: Mille Mooneyes Map Maker  (Read 53 times)


Mille Mooneyes Map Maker
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:53:54 am »
For a moment wile the inn is in one of its more slow times a Female Quickling shoots out from under a tabel and Pins a small note
in the bord then just as fast slips away throw the back door when no ones looking

Mille Mooneyes


Is now selling maps for areas around Hlint, need to find that copper, that camp or some one
Then you needs a good map to show you the way safe and sound.
One that shows the best places to camp for the night and
where food, fresh water and Kindaling can be found.

I have 3 kinds
Basic roads (Roads and paths only A to B)
High Light (as above with good camp sites, water and food to be found)
Full map (all the above + what dangers may be in your way)
Note all maps must have a start and end point.

All for a price.

If you see me ask to see my maps one my be just what you need.

//Note I will not be handing out walk throws, the text at the moment is N,S,E,W out lines of things in an area and the names of that area then warrning that there could be dangers in an area , but now help in what to do meta game wise. This is so as not to brake the rules of passing on meta game info, And the maps are not cheap. Note all maps must have a start and end point. Maps will lose all info in placed in any thing but your inventory.

