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Author Topic: Lost and fouund, two Pheniopes  (Read 234 times)


Lost and fouund, two Pheniopes
« on: May 05, 2006, 08:13:31 pm »
*Cymeran Vrinn stumbles into the tavern, a bit dizzy and reeking of Leaf bottom smoke.  He writes this note:*

I was working on making rings in the craft shop today, and low and behold I findz two gems that I am un able to identify.  With out much thought, I pluks en me pocktz and yells very loudly, “Hey did anyone loozez a couple of gemz?”  Some gent sayz, “I think I lost a couple of Malachinte”  Sooz, I givez them to himz.  Later I was working of some Maachinte stones, and thought to me self, “Hmmm, I think I just better let this one go, I don’t want to start a big fuss."

Then I was working on a totally different bench, and I finz zee gems again.  Now I can see that they are Pheniope gemz.  So I thinks, “Well I managed to find zee things twice now.  I also know that I am the type of scatter brain that leaves gemz un attended.  So in a way it is like a gift economy of scatter minded people.  I find gemz, but then I leavz gemz too.

Later I was praying to Az'atta, and I was distracted by my guilt. I recoond that someone might have made a lot of emotional investment into zee gemz and is missing themz.

So to whom ever made zee gemz…  If you feel you need zee gemz back, then no problem.  If you feel like ya like the idea of a scatterbrained gift economy, then okzz, I thankz ya for zee gemz.

Cymeran Vrinn
Gypsy Dark Elf Priest of Az’atta

"When in love, there is noh esapingz zee chaos of zee heart.  To deny chaos is to deny true love."


RE: Lost and fouund, two Pheniopes
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2006, 07:29:58 am »
Sen Stranzini appends a brief note:

Mr Cymeran, I rather suspect that might have been me who left a couple of phenelopes on the bench. Don't worry about it, you can keep them as far as I'm concerned. And I am ready to join you as a member of your scatter-brained economy club, I think I'm qualified.

Sen Stranzini
Maker of Fine Musical Instruments


Re: Lost and fouund, two Pheniopes
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2006, 03:16:54 pm »
Ohhh kay, fair enough, I went mining last night, and managed to produce an over abundance of Phenelopes stones.  I have about 10 cut stones on me right now, so if you see me, I would be happy enogh to replace themz anyhowz.

Cymeran Vrinn

