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Author Topic: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING  (Read 254 times)


« on: March 14, 2006, 08:28:07 am »
A gaint note is nailed to half of the wall  Giant Army:  NOW RECRUTING

  Me is Captain Spugly Fuglet  In Giant Army  Da Army has been fighting’s Bloods bad things now for long time keeping roads free and hills clear, and me as come to Hlint Once more to gets new recruits for da fights.  Da Giants Army Smash for Goodness so if bad don’t joins up. If goods and like smash then sign bellows with marks. (Dis be fur giants unly. Nos humans ur elfies ur dwarfies, an specially no shorties.)  Roll Call for The Giants Brigade General Glokk  Captain Spugly Fuglet Sargent:  Private Roxx Cloudwalker (Ouched to death) Private FogSnot (MIA) Private Zanirth Nûr :-Honor Giant(not Ouched to death yet) Private Kurssk (not Ouched to death yet) Private Grogg (MIA) Private Rock (Ouched to death)  Once yours names down we have meets and Sware Outh den go on Gaints Pic-a-nicks Drinks foods and smashs for trainings.  Spugly fuglets  Private:…….. Private:…….. Private:…….. Private:……..  


« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2006, 11:54:41 am »
Spugley make Zug sargunt in Gient Armee.  Sargunt Zug report for duty, sir!

Yosemite Sam

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    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 01:02:08 pm »
    Captain Spugly
    Although I cannot join your fine unit, I would like to inquire if you have any openings for advisors?


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #3 on: March 14, 2006, 03:46:00 pm »
    *etched in charcoal*
    S t u m p


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 05:53:59 am »
    Hlint Roll Call
    The Giants Brigade
    General Glokk
    Captain Spugly Fuglet
    Sargent: Zug
    Private Stump
    Private Zanirth Nûr :-Honor Giant
    Private Grogg (MIA)
    Private FogSnot (MIA)

    Amry advisors, Micheal Mordicai, Citizen Farmer

    Once yours names down we have meets and Sware Outh den go on Gaints Pic-a-nicks
    Drinks foods and smashs for trainings.

    Spugly fuglets



    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #5 on: March 15, 2006, 06:04:17 am »
    *reads the list, scratches his head wonders why he's privat, reads the list again looking for dimmy's name, scratches his head again*


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #6 on: March 15, 2006, 08:58:32 am »
    *the following is written a a most shattering scribt*

    When do we meet?

    //wuuuu! the army is back!  :D


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #7 on: March 15, 2006, 02:29:28 pm »
    Gaints Army
    Hlint Brigade
    "Me Captin Spugly, Sargent: Zug and Private Stump, Went on Pitrol to Port Hamshire after reports of light house brokens, then we gos to haven mines where bad elvs, and halflings had sets up camps, We fights and SMASH goods.Private Stump did very good smash as did Sargent Zug we wins fignts and takes camp which we smash so all gone for now. End reports"

    Next meetings will be posted on dis bord.

    //Zan Ill post a PC game for our next outing, it will be a full petrol outing. What is the best time for you all Sunday would be good for me GMT 3pm on


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    RE: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #8 on: March 16, 2006, 08:48:02 am »
    *Zarquil reads the notice and wonders to herself what MIA means.*

    //Excuse my ignorance, but what does "MIA" mean?


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #9 on: March 16, 2006, 10:33:07 am »
    Hi Goldz8
    Missing In Action


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #10 on: March 18, 2006, 03:24:46 pm »
    NEXUS7 - 3/15/2006  11:29 AM

    Gaints Army
    Hlint Brigade
    "Me Captin Spugly, Sargent: Zug and Private Stump, Went on Pitrol to Port Hamshire after reports of light house brokens, then we gos to haven mines where bad elvs, and halflings had sets up camps, We fights and SMASH goods.Private Stump did very good smash as did Sargent Zug we wins fignts and takes camp which we smash so all gone for now. End reports"

    Next meetings will be posted on dis bord.

    //Zan Ill post a PC game for our next outing, it will be a full petrol outing. What is the best time for you all Sunday would be good for me GMT 3pm on

    there is a good chance, I'll be there.

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #11 on: April 30, 2006, 01:54:20 pm »
    *a note appended in a clean hand*
      See Pig in Point Harbor if interested in becoming a squad in the Freelancer militia.
      *signed crudely* PiG


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #12 on: May 10, 2006, 01:05:28 pm »
    *Captin Spugly Fuglet, comes in looking batterd and road warn, he places LightBringer the grate, grate sword made of Ice by the Lady Ayla next to his pack and sees his old note. He takes out a barnt pice of wood and notes on whos put there name down, He looks round at the 3 gaint recrutes behind him.  "You lots gets drinks we moves out soons, me bes we all gets ouched to death so gets lot of beer, and breads for da march."  * he looks at them, be better if I has good fighters whos smash good, then he sees Pigs name and Smiles, he rights a note"  PIG yous in see serget Zug hes swares yous in untill me gets back Pay 100 shinys.  *He picks up his sword and pack* "come on time to gos" he nods as barman and walks out ready for his next fight


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #13 on: May 10, 2006, 01:26:41 pm »
    *An elegant written note is place in the middle of the others*
      I've returned from the woods and I'm ready for duty
      - Zan


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    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #14 on: May 10, 2006, 02:59:55 pm »
    *Ash reads the note and says*
     I'm a giant! *she scribbles on* Ash


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    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #15 on: May 10, 2006, 03:29:21 pm »
    // Written in really scratchy writing and almost incomprehensible

    D-i- M - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #16 on: May 10, 2006, 07:01:52 pm »
    Any gients can sees Sargunt Zug for swearings in.


    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #17 on: May 12, 2006, 08:01:57 am »
    // The following is all OOC...  Open question for the HG community... do we want to work at making the Giant Army an actual guild-type of organization, or leave it as a loose RP entity only?  If we want to go for the former, perhaps we should meet IG, or, if we can't get everyone together at the same time, via LORE, and discuss how we'd want to go about it.  Some ideas to consider (all are "strawmen" for discussion, so feel free to tear any idea to shreads or offer a completely different approach):
      Guild hall -- do we want to save/raise money to buy and remodel a "Giant Army Barracks/Armory" as a meeting place and a weapons/armor locker?  And if so, where should it be?  
      Colors/symbol -- an army has uniforms... maybe we should choose a pair of colors (major/minor) that would make GA members stand out (even more so than usual).  Armors or robes worn for official activities (i.e., battles and patrols  :) ) should use the color scheme (Clerics/Paladins excepted if their Deity has a strong preference); shields and such can retain personal choices for colors and/or symbols.  I don't know if this is possible, but maybe also choose a symbol for GA flags/banners?  
      Equipment -- referring back to the "Armory" concept, part of the guild hall would be a storage area where armors, weapons, etc., can be stockpiled for use by other GA members.  Army members would be allowed to take as needed, but items must be returned when no longer needed, not sold or bartered without permission.  Excess inventory can be sold (at the approval of the guild leadership) as a fundraiser to buy other equipment, expand the guild hall, or maybe even buy additional "branch offices" in other locations.  Or extra inventory could also be donated to any type of war or relief effort.  Items in the armory should *NOT* be used for "fetch quests" like Lt. Jarsen's.  
      Contributions -- army members should be expected to pool resources for the benefit of the army (in a way that doesn't overly limit the members' own wealth accumulation).  This would mean donating armors, weapons, and such, found or made, or even raw materials so that crafters in the army can make needed items.  (And, oh yes, Ales are *ALWAYS* needed items.)  On official activities, a share of any loot recovered should go to the army's treasury.  
      Organization/Rules -- develop an organizational structure and rules for membership and conduct.  
      LORE -- if all goes well in forming a guild, maybe petition to get a dedicated board in the forums?
      [/list] Naturally, of course, I post all of this almost immediately before going away for a week.  (But I'll still be around for the next couple of days.) :p   It's also be interesting, and possibly quite funny, to see how a bunch of dumb half-giants manage to do any of this in character.    :D

    Pen N Popper

    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #18 on: May 12, 2006, 08:42:59 am »
    You might want to consider my PC's note.  It might give you a headstart on all of this if you wish to be part of something larger.  See Pig ICly for more info.


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    Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
    « Reply #19 on: May 12, 2006, 09:47:11 am »
    // im all for it

