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Author Topic: And now ... Krashin  (Read 164 times)


And now ... Krashin
« on: June 22, 2008, 11:25:28 am »
*The sailor leans into the bar, his voice carries over the din of the crowded inn for any that choose to pay attention.*

"Well, I reckon I be nervous as a long tail cat in a room full o' rockin' chairs. If it ain't Leringard .. then it's Mariners .. if it ain't Mariners then it be somethin' over in the pit-spawn playgroun' ... if it ain't there it be ships attackin' Trelan-ey-a ... I 'ad a thought meself 'bout gettin' out to Krashin."


"Sure it's colder than me mother-in-law's kiss and the women be so ugly they run a dawg off a meat wagon but it a long way from dragons and pirates ah figure.

So, I get meself a crew together of like minded fellas .. busier than a blind man in the Temple o' Xeen I was .. all ready to set sail and then this!"


"Yeah, well I be tryin' to tell ya if ya stop askin' me so many questions. Somethin' ..." *pauses* "... somethin' bad be gettin' inta those folks up there too. Somethin' be takin' out a whole village o' those folks .. and lemme tell ya .. they ain't no pansies, them boys be tougher than a one-eared alley cat."


"I dunno but it killed a bunch o' dem boys slicker than deer guts on a skinnin' knife. I dunno where I be headin' I tells you friend. No place safe anymore I reckon'."
