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Author Topic: Q hangs a notes in the Inns and the bars  (Read 120 times)

Grid Blader

Q hangs a notes in the Inns and the bars
« on: September 11, 2006, 04:22:21 pm »
I am looking for information about Far Reach Forest, and Slent Watch.  A few years back I travled with a group, we were in charge of getting supplys to a group inside Far Reach Forest.  

The group there were Lucinda's cleric and wizzards.  They were trying to repair the weave so the forest would grow back.  I know the first group were not succesfull in there attempts, becouse they all died when a sneek attack of shades struck.  

I would like to know if there have tried again, and if they were succesfull.  I would like to take to a person or persons that might of been in charge of it.  

Thank You

Quantum Windword
Cleric of Toran
Member of the Shinning Hand