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Author Topic: Half eaten Ox carcass - Hlint Eastside  (Read 82 times)


Half eaten Ox carcass - Hlint Eastside
« on: July 12, 2005, 09:37:00 am »
*Tacked to the notice board, a rather offical looking notice from the Mistone Inspectorate of Animal Welfare and Farming*

A half eaten ox carcass has been found behind the Craft Hall in Hlint Eastside, it appears to have died from Asphyxiation, and has four large puncture marks on its throat. Large claw marks are also to be found on its rear quarters and flank.The contents of its pack were untouched and returned to its owner, who is currently pursuing an insurance claim for loss of beast of burden and subsequent loss of earnings.

If anyone can shed any light on this matter please contact the Mistone Inspectorate of Animal Welfare and Farming in Drake.

// OOC: Just introducing my new character to the population of Hlint, No animals have been harmed in the making of this notice.

