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Author Topic: A private note for Ozy  (Read 64 times)


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    A private note for Ozy
    « on: July 14, 2005, 11:43:00 pm »
    *Pulls out a sheat of parchment and in a neat flowing script writes*


    I am sorry but my research is going to delay me longer then I expected. As a result I will not beable to meet with you at the aranged time. I will have to wait to delve into issues near at hand until a latter time. I will contact you later unless you contact me first.

    *sealing the letter ErN'aer hands it to Postmaster Vale with instructions to delever it to Ozy as soon as possible*

    //Sorry forgot I had to work a double and then do a 8 hour turn around and be back at work, when I asked to meet you tomorrow. I got reminded when I got here tonight. I wont be on at all today/tomorrow. Its the 15th I wont be on. And the 16th it will be late if at all.  If anyone sees Ozy looking for me, please let him know what happened.  Thanks

