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Author Topic: Deep within the Forest of Mists...  (Read 97 times)

gilshem ironstone

Deep within the Forest of Mists...
« on: September 05, 2008, 12:08:15 pm »
A greying raven flies high overhead a dense grove of trees and lands near a waterfall.  It bounces a few steps over towards a bush, drops a scroll out of its mouth and eats some of the berries on offer.  Its head turns sideways so that it can survey all that lies in the primeval forest, and it squawks softly as it sees some acolytes deep in prayer.

The raven collects the scroll, bounces a few steps in their direction and then flies close to the ground until it is at their feet.  It waits patiently, once again letting the scroll in its beak drop to the ground, and preens it plumage.

The acolytes eventually end their meditation and upon hearing a soft gurgle, look down to find the raven once again bearing a scroll, neatly sealed with the emblem of a lightning bolt.  One of the acolytes smiles bemusedly and as he reaches for the scroll chuckles, "Something for the Longstrider?  From The Mother of All Magic no less?"

He takes the scroll, and studying the parchment more closely realizes that it is addressed to someone specific.

"For the eyes of Jin Lun Lee only...."