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Author Topic: Need a guide?  (Read 190 times)


Need a guide?
« on: January 22, 2008, 10:00:47 pm »
[SIZE=10]((Tacked up in shimmering ink in the merchant quarter of Hempstead and the Scamp's Mug, as well as the less irreverently rowdy One-Eyed Harpy in Fort Vehl.))[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Stormcrest Guides[/SIZE]

To climb that mountain, cross that river, or sail that ocean... whether to stop getting lost in southern Mistone or to slay no more demons passing places of a significance that escapes you, get a guide.

Find someone who knows and will take you wherever you like. Stumble on a guide when the lantern at the crossroads is lit, or post a request on the bulletin in the Shack itself. Someone will find you...

Just how many are there? Surely not many? More than you'd guess, from all walks of life, and many you likely know. Some have gone on to wander elsewhere, some still traveling the world, and some will appear out of the woodwork to take you into darkness and back out again. Unerring trackers that know more about their enemies than any could wish them to share, Weavegifted of all kinds, diplomats and warlords, storytellers and musicians that may not take the straightest route to the destination, but make the journey worthwhile with tales of every blade of grass on the way... whether high or low in the eyes of others, many are around to see who needs to go where...

From the darkest crypts to the most quaint of villages and the most frigid isles of the north, someone has been there... get a guide.

[SIZE=16]Stormcrest Shack. Leave a note if the lantern isn't lit.
We're individual guides that sometimes work together, not a group of mercenaries and miners. Contract accordingly![/SIZE]


