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Author Topic: Pilgrimage of the faithful  (Read 149 times)


RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2005, 05:19:00 am »
// It went fairly well however I must admit that it was disappointing to see people run away to join a quest that was starting half way through the pilgrimage. Seems that the chance to earn xp was more important than RP and immersion into the world....

I thank those who decided to give up going to the quest and return to the Pilgrimage...their rewards were well deserved!


« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2005, 05:28:00 am »
//RL (at times, the bane of us all :P ) required me to be elsewhere Saturday.

My strongest apologies to Dezza and Locust.  And to those to whom Ael had spoken in support of the Pilgrimage, trying to persuade them to attend.  Although I had no choice in the RL matter, I still let down all of you.  And I am truly sorry.

Also, I extend apologies to Juste, whose quest was rescheduled Saturday to accomodate those attending the Pilgrimage, for missing that event too.  Again, it was impossible for me to attend, and I did not have even an opportunity to pm anyone.

I will have to think of a way to account for Ael’s absence in-game.

You all know how "in to" Layo I have become.  I love the role play, all other aspects of the in-game experience, these fora, and all of our "virtual family".  I mention this here only to emphasize that I do not take lightly missing something important in-game, especially things I had worked to support, or had been rescheduled, in part, to accomodate me.

Enough said, friends.  See you soon!

With Apology-



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RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2005, 12:32:00 pm »
//Don't worry to much about it Ael. I had to leave early due to RL obligations when we entered Karthy.

This was partly caused by the delay along the way and the small disaster (from my point of view) that occured between the time we entered the Port and reorganised ourselves in Velensk. It was a good experience regardless since Na got to know some characters he hadn't met before and found a house he didn't know existed.
