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Author Topic: a strange notice  (Read 124 times)

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a strange notice
« on: December 06, 2005, 09:20:00 am »
[SIZE=24]A new notice appears on the Inn wall  [/SIZE][/i][/b][/B]


[SIZE=24]Lookin’ fer information  [/SIZE][/b][/B]

[SIZE=24]I be lookin’ ta gether all tipe of informations concerning da areas from Fort Hope to Harmony Grove (north and south) and Fort Llast to Haven (east and west) and all in-between will be dealt with. Dis news should be concernin’ groups and movements of all da veryus groups in da a4 talked about places. All sew witch da have any news corncernin’ any happenins in this area. Good hard gold coins will be paid for good hard news. Wes kun telk ‘bouts amount recompantsin’ ya for yer time. Amount paid will concern the news given.[/SIZE][/b]
Contact via “special delivery” bird  
(OOC – PM at this forum)  
To he being known as Thunderstorm  


RE: a strange notice
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 10:36:00 am »
*Cole stabs a piece of meat with his old bronze dagger and walks over to do his normal perusing of the message wall in the Wild Surge when he comes across the above note*

"Eh?  What type o' information this feller be lookin' fer?  Jes anything?  Hmph."

*He grabs some parchment and scribbles out a reply, tacking it below*


I'm not entirely sure what you're after, if just 'information.'  However, you're in luck.  For a small fee, I will be glad to share with you any number of trivialities, oddities, and normalcies within the said area.  Look for me around the Wild Surge.  I always end up back there eventually.

-Cole Norseman


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RE: a strange notice
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 11:03:00 am »
*Lyons reads the notice and prepares a message for special delivery*

Master Thunderstorm:

Since my arrival by magical means in Hlint I have made the following observations regarding the movement of groups in the nearby areas:

Hlint - The crypts seem to host an inexaustable supply of skeletons. zombies and ghouls.  I have been unable to determine what evil force continues to bring these fould creatures back to life, but it should be noted since it is literally underneath our feet.

Outside Hlint -  The goblins have an encampment and cave complex.  I have not yet made it to the bottom of their lair, but they have a temple and at least one building, lending credence that they may be building up for something.

Sielwood Forest - there is a cave within where Kobold and a gelatinous cube live.  Not enough information to determine possible movements.

Sielwood Forest - a camp of 4 gnolls was spotted and defeated yeserday, have not returned to see if any others of their kind are there.

Sielwood Forest - a bandit-type camp, approximately 6 bandits, seems to stay in area around camp.

Haven - the king has reported that Ogres have invaded the area and taken refuge in the mines, using the metals to forge weapons.

Road to Forewarn Fort - witnessed mass of goblins near port, unable to stay long and gain any other

Road to Fort Llast - bandit camp, approximately 6 strong, seem stationary.

If you wish it, I can provide regular reports of movements in the area as I make them.

In Rofirein's name:




RE: a strange notice
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
// Hadji, Please meet with players in game and speak about this stuff in game. It is not a good idea to post it on the forums as it turns in to OOC info that can (and many times does--sadly) turn in to meta-gaming.    Thank you.

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RE: a strange notice
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 11:45:00 am »
//yes, I (as creator of this thread) understand that, that is why I asked PCs/NPCs to send me a PM, and not answer in this forum . . I am trying to mask the identity of the individual asking for the info . . so send a PM to the creator of this thread, and then we will set up and date/time/place for the xfer of the information, or send my PC a bird in-game -- but by sending a bird to a individual know as Thunderstorm, not to the Daemon PC. No one should know that Daemon is looking for this information, for now . . .


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RE: a strange notice
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 11:59:00 am »
//ahh my mistake.  I will correct this.

//I cannot remove my erroneous previous post, could an admin delete it?

